Hold Sell-Outs Accountable to Prevent America from Repeating Its Mistakes

1 year ago

07/13/2023 Nicole on Wayne Dupree Podcast: If we don’t get to the bottom of corruption, if nobody goes to jail or be held accountable, the same thing will repeat itself next year and another four years. Miles Guo had been screaming on top of his lungs over the last several years, telling American people this country has been hijacked by the CCP. That's why they put Miles Guo in federal prison without bail. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
07/13/2023 妮可做客《Wayne Dupree》播客节目:如果我们不把腐败查个水落石出,如果没人被追责、入狱,那么美国一定会在明年及另一个四年后重蹈覆辙。过去几年,郭文贵一直在高声呼喊,告诉美国人民美国已被中共劫持了。这就是他们将郭文贵关进联邦监狱且不让保释的原因。#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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