8 Visions Of Zachariah

1 year ago

To sum up the 8 visions of Zachariah
There is a reoccurring theme throughout Gods Word. The children of God turn their back on Him and He demands they repent and get back on track. After many warnings he will then chastise, punish and even pour out His wrath on His children. The penalties can be mild to very harsh but He always gives us a warning through His prophets, who can often be the most hated people in the world.
The visions of Zachariah are a glimpse into the mind of YHVH and how He works in the world. The same things reoccur time and again.

1st Vision; is a survey of the condition of the world as a whole just as God did Sodom and Gomorrah before he destroyed it. He sent 2 angels to the town just as He sent the horses or angels to the earth in Zechariah’s time. This is the way God operates. The report was that Gods people had become indifferent to Him and Christianity was losing ground in the world.
2nd Vision; is a description of the powers that control the earthly systems of this world and they have been used to persecute Gods children and scatter the Children of Israel.
3rd Vision; is a description of Gods Elect who see the works of satan and are actively trying to destroy him and his kingdom.
4th Vision; is a description of the size of the Millennial Temple which cannot be numbered with souls yet until the end of this age. It also describes the deliverance of Gods people out of Babylon who call on Him.
5th Vision; Is a description of Jesus Christ
6th Vision; is a description of the 2 Witnesses
7th Vision; is a description of the 7 seals an outline of the last days. It describes the destruction of the beast system and Mystery Babylon
8th Vision is a description of the 4 Horses and the 2 Superpowers of the end times

In the end we see a destruction of the beast system that is in control of the 4 hidden powers of Education Religion Finance and Politics. The whole mess is put into a basket and dropped into oblivion forever. The system we now see in the world today has become so corrupt it is collapsing on itself and God will have them all in derision.

There will be no earthly justice but in the gates of heaven there will be total and complete justice from YHVH. They are not getting away with anything; they may think they are but God will have the last laugh.
False religion will be exposed and all the false ministers of light will be held in contempt before the courts of heaven. Fake Religion will never be used again to deceive Gods children. No more fairy tales will be taught and all the false doctrine and traditions of men will be exposed. There will be only one second coming and all the rapture teachers will be exposed.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb will be held for all of those who were loyal to YHVH and had taken the time to read and understand the great wedding invitation that had been sent to each and every one of us. There is only one wedding and not 2.
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