Sound Of Freedom - How Is This Film Controversial?!

1 year ago

It’s disheartening how much backlash this film is getting. I mean it’s a true story about a man who recused trafficked children. Yet the media is turning it into something else entirely. It’s insane.
Sound of Freedom is a very heartwarming and powerful film about the reality and dangers of child trafficking. It’s probably the only movie to ever be so direct at it’s message yet the media still is actively trying to discredit and shame this film into being some adjacent QAnon conspiracy project.

(Just wanted to add that the wife was probably my 2nd favorite character in the movie next to the ex-drug cartel boss turned child savior)

If you would like more information on this film and it’s true message please visit

Here’s Midnights Edge video from the beginning:

#craigleetalks #soundoffreedom #soundoffreedom2023 #jimcaviezel #angelstudios #childtrafficking #humantrafficking

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