The 5 Sex Languages - Douglas Weiss, Ph.D.

1 year ago

Valentines Day is approaching fast and all you romantics out there want to make it a special one. Dr. Doug Weiss teaches about The Five Sex Languages from his unique new book by the same title. Dr. Weiss explains the languages of sex that you and your partner are pre-wired to enjoy, not only to increase sexual pleasure but to increase understanding your partner sexually. Once you learn your spouse's sex language, giving them pleasurable sex for a lifetime will be easier than ever. You will learn how to agree on what you do sexually, have often you have sex, and so much more. Listen in for the secrets to enjoying the best sex of your life. What a wonderful gift for this Valentines Day and a lifetime to come. br This personal experience of recovering from sexual addiction means he has been where you are and personally knows the process to recover and has experienced a much more fulfilling life free from acting out sexual behaviors.

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