NIV Ready To Take The Next Step, By Steve Hulshizer, On Down to Earth But Heavenly Minded Podcast

1 year ago

Special Note:
No Gender-Neutral NIV!
By Steve Hulshizer
The good news concerning the NIV. Shortly after our article in June, the International
Bible Society, who licenses the publishing of the NIV to Zondervan, stated that there will
be no gender-neutral version published in the United States. It also will make efforts to
stop its publication in England.

While we applaud the Society for its decision, this will not lessen the efforts of many
to make the church gender-neutral. As stated in the June issue, this is the real objective
for those pushing for such a translation. This is no time to fall asleep!
Writings by Steve Hulshizer are being presented by Irv Risch on the Down to Earth But Heavenly Minded Podcast.

Steve Hulshizer devoted his life to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Giving up a career at Merck in the early 1980s, he chose to trust the Lord to meet his family's needs and be a minister of the Gospel through preaching, teaching, writing books and tracts, publishing Milk & Honey, serving at Greenwood Hills (youth congress, challenge week boys camp, couples retreat, conferences, board member), and creating and managing Spread the Word, a non-profit organization (publishing, York Bible Study Program, giving to workers). His ministry has reached countless individuals all over the world. Through his administrative, teaching, and shepherding efforts, many saints have been built up and have a lasting appreciation for his example of living the truth that Christ is alive and eternity is real. As we remember Steve, our minds jump to one of his short definitions (to disobey is to hear beside), concise summary of Scripture (Psalm 1:1-2 separation and saturation), or pointed exhortation (faith believes God and acts accordingly). Praise the Lord for his tender heart and backbone in standing steadfastly for the Gospel and Word of God in the face of pressure to cave into society such as the symbolic practice of headship. He and his wife Nancy have been a fervent, loving team of sacrificial laborers for the Lord Jesus, an excellent example to imitate! Steve’s godly influence in the lives of young people in particular is still felt today as many of them are carrying on in various ministries for the Lord. Throughout his years of service, Steve was a spiritual mentor and cared deeply for individuals, challenging them to serve the Lord first always. Steve went home to be with the Lord in 2019.

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