Is Something Big Brewing? Biden Mobilizes Reservists to Europe, Backing 'Operation Atlantic Resolve'

1 year ago

July 14, 2023
Is Something Big Brewing? Biden Mobilizes Reservists to Europe, Backing 'Operation Atlantic Resolve'
- Many questions arise about this action - Why reservists and not active military? (is it somehow less 'boots on the ground'-ish if they are reservists?) Why now? (is another major Hunter Biden headline about to drop?)
It takes an act of Congress to declare war. Historically, the president must go to the legislature and ask for a declaration. But Biden is taking advantage of his office to mobilize select portions of the military and send them to Europe, bypassing the need to even so much as consult with Congress. Is it an attempt to hide or secure something? Or is it merely an act of a self-obsessed and deluded president and cabinet?

Whatever the case may be, one should be disturbed at the thought of Joe Biden and his advisors pushing toy soldiers around a map of Europe. All the while oblivious to what is at stake. Not just for the nation but for the world. In a worst-case scenario, this is not going to be like D-Day, as horrific as that was. This will not be General Patton racing across Europe with his tanks to be the first to cross the Rhine. This will not even be like Vietnam or any of the recent conflicts in the Middle East.

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