Yuyuko Fumo Broke My Pelvis

1 year ago

This sounds like I did it with Yuyuko Fumo. | Read the description!

==========\ Credits /==========
[Thumbnail Illustration] : Star Shin (https://www.pixiv.net/users/21138678)
[Illustration Link] : https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/94598363

[Editor] : Haoto

==========\ My Comments /==========
This video was recorded on June 21st, 2023, at 0155 (MYT).
This video was made on July 14th, 2023, at 1626 (MYT), uploaded onto YouTube on July 14th, 2023.

[Time Taken]
The video editing took less than 3-5 minutes.
I'm sure it's under 3 minutes, but knowing myself, I would go back and forth just to make sure everything was right.

[My Entertainment Video Comments]
This is a blooper from my "My Failed DIY Touhou Fumo Stand" video recording.
This never made it into the final video.

YouTube might not like the video title. They may disable the comments or demonetize me after a few thousand views.
This is sarcasm, I'm exaggerating, this is comedy. Pleaseeeee.

Anyway, I think the sound you heard was from my TV remote control.
I did feel something, though. However, I don't remember if it was my pelvis or my leg. In any case, I felt something painful enough to yelp.
Since this recording was weeks ago, I feel that my yelp was pretty genuine. My cry sounded... Cantonese.

The color grading I applied is from the preset I made myself for my GoPro Hero 7 Black color profile.

(July 14th, 2023, 7 minutes after publishing) I can't believe I forgot to credit the thumbnail artwork.

[My Comments]
I just realized that the 3 set of recordings I did that day gave me 5 videos.
It's the first time I've ever produced this many videos in a single day from recording myself doing content.
Here's the following videos that I recorded on that day:
1. https://youtu.be/HE83CiK9En4
2. https://youtu.be/vUG5eeHd6AU
3. https://youtu.be/Us_I0_1ezmE
4. TBA
5. TBA

Ugh, why did it take me so long to edit a single video? I prepared the videos, but I didn't make them right away.

Hm, I'm starting to like uploading bloopers of my recordings.

#Touhou #TouhouFumo #Fumo #東方 #東方ふもふも #ふもふも
#DIY #Fix #HowTo #Tutorial #Solution #Repair

==========\ Links /==========
1. [My Failed DIY Touhou Fumo Stand] : https://youtu.be/vUG5eeHd6AU

==========\ Profiles /==========
1. [MyAnimeList] : https://myanimelist.net/profile/-Haoto-
2. [Twitter] : https://twitter.com/Username_Haoto
3. [Instagram] : https://www.instagram.com/Username_Haoto
4. [Sheethost] : http://sheet.host/user/Haoto
5. [MuseScore] : https://musescore.com/Haoto
6. [Pixiv] : https://www.pixiv.net/users/45168778

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