From Drugs and Reckless Life to Being an Inspiration and Hero to His Children

1 year ago

Ann interviews Pastor Rex Bornman about his life journey from indulging in the 60's lifestyle reckless and wandering to becoming an inspiration and hero of his children as well as traveling all over the world coaching churches on how to get their passion and life energy back. Rex has not only found his purpose and lives his passion daily, he has done this while being married 40 years and raising 2 children to successful and healthy lives who love him say: He is a walking example of God on earth to me. He's as real of a person as I have ever met. So many people in Christianity say a lot of things but don't back it up. He always has. He's my hero and he knows that. How many times have you ever heard that from sons about their father? Listen in to hear about this man and grab some insight about how he has accomplished such a balance in his family and work life with such success.

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