Update on Royal Ball Python has Nodules, my Samara Morrigan ❣️Part 1

1 year ago

Update on my Samara Morrigan Part 1 (Keep an eye out for part two)

Part 1: I was up at 7:30 yesterday (7-13-23) morning and out the door at 9:30. I got home around 5:30pm. Samara did such a great job! She truly is an amazing creature. To avoid an extremely long update this is what I'm going to post for now. I'll post part two in a bit.

Samara presented to the Avian & Exotics service to evaluate several nodules that have appeared over the last 2 months. Samara's examination identified several firm, mobile subcutaneous nodules along the ventrolateral body wall and under the left mandibular lip. Samara does not appear outwardly painful with the manipulation of these nodules although she may be actively hiding any pain response which is not uncommon with reptiles. Fine needle aspiration was performed of the largest nodules for in-house cytologic evaluation. This aspiration yielded only microscopic amounts of blood, and this is unfortunately non-diagnostic for these nodules. We discussed that the next diagnostic step and likely treatment step for Samara would be to surgically biopsy (remove) the nodules and submit them for histologic evaluation. We also discussed an empirical trial with a systemic antibiotic. At this time, you have elected to start with an empirical course of an antibiotic and to monitor for any changes/responses to treatment.

Please keep in mind that if these nodules represent bacterial infection and abscess formation, systemic antibiotics will not resolve the abscess due to the nature of reptilian pus. Resolving abscesses in reptiles typically requires surgical debridement/removal. The estimated cost of surgical biopsy of these nodules is (you don't want to know 🥺🥺🥺)
Drug Name
ceFTAZidime Inj (Per 1g Vial)
Compounded to 200mg/ml: Give 0.04 ml intramuscularly every 72 hours for 30 days.
Due 7/16/23

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