Fake Interview Turns Into Surprise Pregnancy Announcement

9 years ago

Danny and Ciera Woods have come up with an extremely unique way of surprising their family and friends with the news of their pregnancy. Everyone's reaction is captured at just the right moment in super slow-motion video. Even the family dog was surprised by the news!

Once this couple found out about their pregnancy they wanted to tell everyone. Baby Woods is arriving in April 2016 and expecting parents came up with a neat way of breaking the news to their close ones. They decided to gather up the entire family and friends and set up a fake interview.

Handing them a whiteboard reading the exciting news, the unsuspecting, grandparents, siblings, family and friends were filmed on camera showing their unique reaction to hearing the big news! What a wonderful way to share good news with close relatives and friends! The shock on these people’s faces is inevitable!

Having a child is one of the most life-changing moments. It marks the transition from adulthood to parenthood, providing you with experiences that only having a child could teach. Words cannot describe the feeling about having a child, but all parents alike know the feeling. That sense of pride, knowing that you brought life into the world. Or what about the sense of the unconditional love that is had for your child? Life is amazing.

Bringing a baby into the world is a special thing, and these two seem to be ready to do so. With the future to look forward to, we're all sure that this couple is counting down the days until this special little baby is brought into the world. They're about to make that transition from adulthood to parenthood, and no one could be more excited than them.

This couple surprises their family with one very unique pregnancy announcement and everyone is just so excited to meet the coming baby!

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