Sound Of fr33dome - Psy-Op

1 year ago

"UK has always had a huge paedophile network that includes police inspectors and 2 prime ministers.

Victims gave evidence against the abusers and many victims died suspiciously , They will never allow victims to grass again.
Children are now bred for abuse and disposed of. The elite paedophile ring in the UK and PIE went underground.
Checking flight logs of suspects and locating such places they maybe getting away with this is top of the list for hunting them down.
A conspiracy theory, developed from the minds of the abuse survivors and studying the actions and lack of actions from people we know to be evil. People close to them must have suspicions about their actions .

The victims had shills and fake leaders to deal with at the time, dividing the victims and hiding the facts.. SAME OLD SHIT NOW

If you have funding / resources you must find these locations that may need investigating, this is very real and very close to home.
SOUND OF FR33DOM is a Hollywood movie."

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