Georgia Representative Leaves Party - Russia Creates New Gold Standard - Dave Palmer Talks Socrates

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Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Friday, July 14th, 2023 – St. Francis Solanus

II. Early Life and Vocation

Born into a noble family in Montilla, Andalucia, in 1549

Consecrated to St. Francis of Assisi by his mother

Received Catholic formation and education in a Jesuit College

III. Virtues and Musical Talents

Known for his practice of virtue and joyfulness in serving God

Possessed a beautiful voice and rare musical sense

Played the violin and sang before the Blessed Sacrament and Our Lady

IV. Missionary Work in South America

Requested to be sent to the Americas to preach the Gospel

Evangelized regions in Panama, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina

Traveled extensively by foot, enduring hardships and dangers

V. Life in Lima, Peru

Spent a significant part of his life in Lima, where the Franciscan Order flourished

Lived during the time of St. Toribio of Mogrovejo and St. Rose of Lima

Known for miracles, converting both Indians and colonists

VI. Penance and Fasting

Practiced rigorous penances and fasting

Called to recall Spanish colonists to a more fervent practice of the Faith

VII. Final Years and Death

Called back to Lima around 1601

Requested the singing of the Magnificat and the Credo before his death

Died in Lima in 1610, bells announcing the Elevation of the Holy Host

VIII. Observations and Lessons

Reflections on the nobility of virtue and refinement of manners

St. Francis Solanus' joyfulness and love for holy things

Harmony between his violin and cilice, symbolizing joy and sacrifice

IX. Apostolate and Missionary Spirit

Attracted children and adults through his violin performances

Undertook challenging missionary journeys and encountered different Indian tribes

Examples of miracles, language gift, and conversion of Indian tribes

X. The Call for Faithful Counter-Revolutionaries

St. Francis Solanus as a model for counter-revolutionaries

Importance of responding to the grace and bearing responsibility

Potential for progress or decline depending on individual dedication

XI. Conclusion

Reflection on the extraordinary life of St. Francis Solanus

St. Francis Solanus, pray for us!

INTRO – Happy Friday

Howdy to Catholic Spirit Radio since June

Happy Birthday to Nylia

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour, Georgia State Representative Makes 'Moral' Decision to Leave Party

Also – at 30 past the hour, Russia Creates New Gold Standard | How to solve increase in crime?

Plus – in the next hour, Dave Palmer finishing up on Socrates

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show with a prize from

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