Chemtrails WHAT..?

1 year ago

Hello everyone ,
from Ventura California..
Today is the first day in about 8 days that Chemtrails were present in the sky I only saw two all day to me it's an obvious ploy to wake people up if they are aware enough to remember back say 6 months ago it might still be in their mind that Chemtrails were up in the sky everyday all day long multiples not just one or two but most people nowadays don't remember that far back because the news cycle has so much information literally flooding the public realm with truth that people are having a hard problem a hard time remembering two weeks ago let alone six months ago..
Thanks for watching I appreciate you all I love you all and I hope that if you enjoy the video you'll like and share it if not leave a comment and at least let me know where you're from and what you're doing and if there's Chemtrails in your state I firmly believe their therapeutic aerosols now I don't believe their controls anymore I believe the luciferian order aka the Masonic Brotherhood is finished by design God's design see they wanted to play God and God wasn't having that they wanted to overthrow heaven and the angels and his throne Isaiah 14:12 talks about that or is it Isaiah 12:14 I'm going to have to go back and refresh my memory aren't I that being said you can take the initiative do your due diligence and go look at Isaiah 14 12 yourself and see where it talks about Lucifer and his minions wanted to overthrow God in his angels and take God's throne from him yeah and the luciferian order was arrogant enough to think the God would allow them success with their new world order agenda I don't think so..
God is in control and the military is his right arm of Justice that's about ready to drop the hammer on people like Stephen King and all his little pedophile buddies..

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