Rimworld Gameplay

1 year ago

I play through some Rimworld and hopefully give you a nice rundown of the game for the length of the video and hopefully give you a good impression to see if you want the game or not.

If you want to see a playthrough of it I plan to live stream the game on my kick which is at https://kick.com/legitgamecenter

Just thank you for clicking through and hopefully watching, enjoying, and getting some useful info from the video above thank you once again I wanna say very much appreciated!

If you want to know more about me and this business I am trying to do then please click this link: https://legitgamecenter.com

About Rimworld:

RimWorld is a story generator. It’s designed to co-author tragic, twisted, and triumphant stories about imprisoned pirates, desperate colonists, starvation and survival. It works by controlling the “random” events that the world throws at you. Every thunderstorm, pirate raid, and traveling salesman is a card dealt into your story by the AI Storyteller. There are several storytellers to choose from. Randy Random does crazy stuff, Cassandra Classic goes for rising tension, and Phoebe Chillax likes to relax.

Game Link ► https://store.steampowered.com/app/294100/RimWorld/

Anyways I wanna say thank you once again and have a great day! GOD bless

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