…what are emf weapons?

1 year ago

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what are emf weapons
10.27 torodial feild magne
13.02 This highly controversial satellite photo of Earth is claimed by insider sources to have been taken in 1972 by US orbiters
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14.31 is satan living in Switzerland
17.12 rutter quits
17.26 quentin tarantino and paedos
18.25 pride can walk around with there dicks out
18.37 orange peel
18.56 non gmo dose it mean what you think
23.15 no sound herd koral castle
24.10 no nato no war
29.43 why you should never buy baby carrots
30.32 make your own orange juice
32.59 love conquors all
33.44 london 1967
35.11 libian illegals
36.08 laundering money
36.35 iv hydrogen peroxide cures all diseases
40.25 sound of frweedom dodgy goings on compilation
46.57 illegals Look at how the african and muslim migrants behave to a womans car.
47.45 illegal Woman assaulted by muslim migrant and men intervene just in time in France
48.53 illegal Woman asked for sex in a bus by a dirty muslim migrant
49.45 illegal touched his sister
51.15 how zionists spread propaganda

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…what are emf weapons?

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