Former Army vet's brilliant, concise 3 minute law summary proof DJT is still the legal President.

1 year ago

If you've not been sleeping, you've probably heard the very long detail video of Dereck Johnson ( giving an emotional and legal sumary of how the fake Biden presidency is playing out the Declass Plan to expose the deep state criminality.

This short video is more of the same - just in 3 minutes.

I highly recommend you subscribe to the Telegram channel for this Patriot ( and watch his posts on the tracking of airplane flights - military most important and note that our National Guard, having been commanded by Trump through executive order to be on active duty is in effect for the country.

The executive orders put in place by Trump before he left office would most certainly have been reversed by Biden if Biden was the actual president - but that not being the case, they remain in effect and will continue to be in effect until such time as Trump is put back legally into office and the Biden crime syndicate is removed for now obvious treasonous activities in Ukraine, China and all over the world.

The Lame Street Media is going to be hard pressed to ignore the truth now that impeachment proceedings on Biden are underway in Congress.

It's okay if you have been sleeping, but truly we only want you to recognize that the truth you have fought so hard to ignore or are too busy to pay attention - that truth is coming home to roost very soon. When? Only the military knows that date and they won't tip their hand. The plan is to expose as many deep state cockroaches as possible so that the very deep swamp is as devoid of these Satanist monsters as possible.

Time for the deep state is running out and there is not a thing they can do about it. The Central Banking system is totally bankrupt, BRICS is gaining momentum and popularity, and assets of the deep state are being confiscated for repatriation back to the people of the world through the NESARA/GESARA laws which are in the process of being rolled out across the globe.

It is way past the time for those who still don't get it to take their red pill and join the growing numbers who finally understand that mankind is about to shed the shackles of slavery and head into the light of real freedom/love/conmpassion, etc..

But even if those still asleep don't believe what they will be faced to see and hear, those who have known the truth will hopefully have compassion and empathy and love and guide those who are just waking up into this new reality to make their journey less difficult to absorb and live with.
After all, many who are awake and sharing as I am were completely asleep at one point - I was one of the worst but now for 5 years have known what is happening and it is so exciting to be alive to see this transformation from dark to light.

It is coming.....soon!

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