Mrs. Amworth. E.F. Benson 1922. The tale of an old English town and history of a Vampire woman.

1 year ago

Mrs. Amworth. (1922) E. F. Benson. Full Narration
Edward Frederic Benson (1867–1940) was an English novelist, biographer, memoirist, archaeologist and short story writer. Mrs. Amworth was first published in “Hutchinson’s Magazine,” June 1922.

"I had been dining one night at the far end of the village, and about eleven o’clock was walking home again. The moon was of an unusual brilliance, rendering all that it shone on as distinct as in some etching. I had just come opposite the house which Mrs. Amworth had occupied, where there was a board up telling that it was to let, when I heard the click of her front gate, and next moment I saw, with a sudden chill and quaking of my very spirit, that she stood there. Her profile, vividly illuminated, was turned to me, and I could not be mistaken in my identification of her. She appeared not to see me
(indeed the shadow of the yew hedge in front of her garden enveloped me in its blackness) and she went swiftly across the road, and entered the gate of the house directly opposite. There I lost sight of her completely.
My breath was coming in short pants as if I had been running—and now indeed I ran, with fearful backward glances, along the hundred yards that separated me from my house and Urcombe’s. It was to his that my flying steps took me, and next minute I was within."

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