EPOCH TV | WHO Building Global Censorship Apparatus to Silence the People

1 year ago

EPOCH TV | Cross Roads with Joshua Philipp

WHO Building Global Censorship Apparatus to Silence the People

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There is a war on truth being waged in the United States, and by international powers. New systems are being established that could soon determine what can be discussed and what cannot be discussed. In the United States, it turns out government agencies have been involved in a campaign of censorship by proxy, and a judge has momentarily put a stop to this. Abroad, the European Union is paying visits to American social media companies to coerce them into censoring their users, in accordance with foreign laws. And even beyond these battles over truth and who defines truth, there is a looming system that could soon create standards for global censorship.

We discussed before that the United States is backing the so-called pandemic treaty. This would give the World Health Organization (WHO), through the United Nations, the unilateral power to declare public health emergencies and recommend policies. This would be a legally binding agreement of all member states. And members are expected to sign on sometime next year.

But the “pandemic treaty” isn’t just about recommending policies on viruses or emerging diseases. It includes every element of public health. It is being extended to issues like wealth inequality, race politics, and even issues like climate change. And packaged inside as well are systems that would allow the WHO to recommend legally binding guidelines to stop what it describes as “misinformation.”

In this episode of Crossroads, we’ll discuss this and other topics.

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