Ban The Jab Resolution Given To Sheriffs In Florida: Republicans Urge Action Against Deadly Vaccines

1 year ago

Author of the ban the Jab resolution for Lee County, Florida, Dr. Joseph Sansone is here to share the latest developments in their quest to ban the bioweapons.

Multiple Florida County GOPs have passed resolutions calling on their state government to ban the dangerous and deadly weapons that were deployed under the guise of medical "treatment".

So far, seven Republican-leaning Florida Counties, plus the Idaho GOP state committee, have passed "Ban the Jab" resolutions.
A copy of the resolution has now been sent to all of Florida’s 67 county sheriffs, as well as directly to the desk of Florida's Governor, Ron DeSantis.

A document laying out exhibits and proof of crimes has been sent to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the assistant state-wide prosecutor who is in charge of the Covid Grand Jury, and all 20 State Attorneys.

Because the Sheriff is a constitutional office the county government cannot force action but they can levy heavy fines for anyone who possesses and prescribes the Covid bioweapon.
Will Sheriffs and politicians overcome the political cowardice that is so prevalent in our nation today?

Contact Governor Ron Desantis' office at 850-717-9337 and demand action.

Contact Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody's office at 850-414-3300 and demand action.

For more info on Dr. Joseph Sansone check out his Substack at


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