Call of Duty Jabba's Palace Custom Zombies

1 year ago

Call of Duty Jabba's Palace Custom Zombies is a small survival map with no-stop zombie spawns, you need to kill a certain amount of zombies to open the escape, and that's it.

Map created by the_bibba_boy
Link to map:

Map features and description

When the multiverse collides in a strange way, the Primis crew is trapped inside of Jabba the Hutt's Throne Room. Kill enough zombies and survive long enough to escape the wrath of Jabba's zombie servants hunting you down!

(This map is part of the "June 2023 NoahJ456 Map Contest", where the theme was "Movies". This map is based on Jabba's Palace from "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi": 1983)


-Custom E-11 Blaster Rifle (Primary Weapon)
-Custom Luke's Skywalkers ROTJ Lightsaber
-Wunderfizz (Juggernog, Speed Cola and Deadshot)
-Time and kill-based escape gameplay
-Custom music sounds during gameplay and game-over sequences
-Primis Crew with Voice Quotes
-Charred Zombies

The Stormtroopers E-11 Blaster Rifle:

The Primis crew is stuck with the Stormtrooper's signature weapon, the E-11 Laser Blaster Rifle. While very strong with unlimited ammo, the overheating on the gun will be detrimental to your survival if you don't control it well enough!

Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber:

A famous weapon of the Master Jedi Luke Skywalker found its way through the multiverse into the palace. Save up enough points to purchase this hard-hitting lightsaber to get you out of a sticky situation!

Rancor Pit Escape Route:

Primis need to survive long enough *and* kill enough zombies while trapped in this multiverse. Doing so will open the center gate trapdoor, allowing them to jump into the rancor pit and escape the horde of the undead.

Wunderfizz Machine:

Utilize the Wunderfizz machine to get an extra 3 perks to help aid your survival. Be warned, however, as getting a hold of these perks can put the player near instantaneous death if they are not careful enough.

#bo3customzombies #starwarszombies

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