@StevenDKelley @CarlosSlim Lebanese BloodyCement @RothschildClintonBushCartels @MexicanCartelRuler, @GordonGetty @EduardoVerástegui June 7th, 2018.mp4

1 year ago

The Getty Museum
Underneath the Getty Museum is a network of tunnels and underground bunkers, former CIA/NSA contractor Steven D. Kelley informs us that The Getty and USA government control Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs). These bases are connected to each other by systems of trains that use Magnetic Levitation and vacuum technology to reach very high speeds. Along with other functions, the Getty serves as a hub of child trafficking, child-sex slaves treated like cattle under the Getty, Please Universe, stop child trafficking and arrest those involved. Please and thank you.

The Movie Sound of Freedom has been financed by Carlos Slim, Eduardo Verástegui, Mexican Cartels, to blind people to see the real participants of Child Trafficking and Body Trafficking.

Steven D. Kelley has launched a mission to Open the GETTY and gain access to these underground areas owned by the Templar Cabal Bunker called Getty Cavers Center. By exposing the dark secrets hidden below us, the truth will be forced upon the world, and nobody will be able to hide, defend, or continue the evil that has plagued the earth for so long.

Let me quickly address the retardation of the idiots that dare say the Getty was cleared... You still have the same Government that built, and ran the bunkers, in power, You still have world war 3 hanging over your head. You still have me being threatened by the FBI, etc. We still have chemtrails, poisoned food, and big pharma. We still pay taxes, and see no gold from under ground. We see no victims, we see no wounded, we see no technology. Stupid humans that can say this, or even worse, believe it, are the reason why they eat our children.
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Steven D Kelley
Email: law17gun@aol.com

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