"Real History" w/Melissa - Ep. 26 - Neil Foster: Would I Lie to You? 7/13/23

1 year ago

Raising Chickens - Beekeeping and Garden Update - True Grassroots Environmentalism - Florida's Fishery and Wildlife Conservation; Poisoning the Water, Killing the Wildlife and Fish the Agency is Tasked with Protection - Corrupt Liars - Dead and Diseased Fish from Pesticide Spraying by Government Agency - K-nep Environment, Pinocchio Award for Liars - High Levels of Pesticide in Florida's Lakes because of Government Agency "Management" of "Invasive" Plants - Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 - Neil's T-shirt, Good People Disobey Bad Laws - U.S. Sent Cluster Bombs to the Ukraine - Rollout of 15-Minute Cities - Converting Shopping Malls into Housing - Doctors, Vaccines, Gender Affirmation, Hormone Blockers - Arresting People for Politically Incorrect Speech (or Silent Prayers) - Transgender Parents and Breastfeeding - Breast Milk, "Toxic" Masculinity - Pornography, Images Stuck in Your Head - Thomas Sheridan, Psychopaths - Judith Reisman's Work on Pornography, Kinsey - Rap Music, Misogyny - Normalizing Homosexuality for Decades, Same-Sex Marriage - Queer, Sexually Explicit Book for Children at Public Libraries - Alexa - Self-Checkout and the Elimination of Jobs - Digital Currency, Cashless Society - World Economic Forum's New Champions, The Future of Money - "Red Flag" Laws - Preparing an Introductory Talk on Agenda 21, Climate Change.

Cutting Through the Matrix

David Ochs, a bass guide on Lake Rosalie

Fact checking the FWC Episode 1

Fact checking the FWC Episode 2

The Future of Money - WEF - watch the final 3 minutes

Developers are turning 14 GTA malls into tiny cities, with Cloverdale leading the way – is this the solution to Toronto’s housing crisis?

Meet the 15-Minute City’s Cousin: The 20-Minute Suburb

American Academy of Pediatrics - Why We Stand Up for Transgender Children and Teens

“In My Daddy’s Belly” Book To Teach Children Males Can Get Pregnant, Give Birth

Lake Wales Public Library - Queer

Ex-con transgender calls for punching gender critical people in the "f***ing" face

Eurythmics, Annie Lennox, Dave Stewart - Would I Lie to You?

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