Dr. Joel Wallach - From wood to power and its effect on our soil- Daily with Doc and Becca 7/13/23

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Where progress came with the ability to flip a switch, regress began in our soils. Dr. Wallach reminisces on how his grandmother would use the byproduct of wood heating and cooking to season food and work back into the garden soil. Wood ash, a small amount of carbine and a whole lot of minerals were left in its content. And so the decline in the nutritional value of today’s food supplies.

Dr. Wallach answers questions on adult onset of Type I Diabetes, thyroid and joint concerns with no gallbladder. Four months pregnant and the caller's doctor says she can’t take multivitamin. Dr Wallach talks about what could be causes of brain tumors while a caller asks about their relationship with hormone levels and what nutrition can help. A gentleman is concerned about elevated PSA with blood sugar.

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