Supreme Court Slams the Hammer of Justice for American Values: The Sentinel Report News

1 year ago

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In this episode of the Sentinel Report on Lindell TV, Alex Newman, award-winning international journalist and Liberty Sentinel Media CEO, covers the latest news and headlines that the mainstream media won't discuss.

In the news, Alex covers:

--The Supreme Court STRIKES DOWN Biden's $400 billion student loan forgiveness: Justices rule the president does not have authority to cancel millions of dollars' worth of debt in another landmark ruling.
Six justices ruled that Biden should have gotten approval from Congress for his huge plan that would have eradicated $10K in debt for borrowers earning less than $125K.
The landmark ruling comes 24 hours after a college affirmative action decision by the court.

--The Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of a Christian graphic artist from Colorado who does not want to design wedding websites for same-sex couples, finding the First Amendment prohibits the state from forcing the designer to express messages that are contrary to her closely held religious beliefs.
The court ruled 6-3 in favor of the designer, Lorie Smith, in the case known as 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis. All six conservative justices sided with the designer, while the court's three liberals dissented. Justice Neil Gorsuch delivered the majority opinion.
"The First Amendment envisions the United States as a rich and complex place where all persons are free to think and speak as they wish, not as the government demands," Gorsuch wrote.
"If [Smith] wishes to speak, she must either speak as the State demands or face sanctions for expressing her own beliefs, sanctions that may include compulsory participation in 'remedial ... training,' filing periodic compliance reports as officials deem necessary, and paying monetary fines," he said, referencing the penalties for violating Colorado's public accommodations law. "Under our precedents, that 'is enough,' more than enough, to represent an impermissible abridgment of the First Amendment's right to speak freely."

--In New Jersey, the State Department of Education recently released a report demonstrating how a very low number of students identifying as "non-binary" in 2019–20 has increased by 4,000% in 2022–23. A published Gallup poll showed that nearly 20% of Generation Z now identify as LGBT, compared with 11% of millennial adults.

--Biden's Health and Human Services Secretary, Xavier Becerra, wants to withhold federal Medicare and Medicaid dollars from states where children cannot choose to have their genitals surgically mutilated.

--I finally went through the latest WHO pandemic draft. Rights are reframed as the government giving you things and doing things to you.
Equity = communism.
WHO is recognized as the "directing and coordinating authority on international health work and the leader of multilateral cooperation in global health governance. WHO is fundamental to strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems."

--London, June 29: The world's climate policies are based on computer simulations of the atmosphere that are thoroughly flawed. That's the conclusion of a new paper published by Net Zero Watch.
The paper, by U.S. climate writer and computer programmer Willis Eschenbach, describes the results of a review of the computer code inside NASA's Model E climate simulation. It shows that, far from being based on basic physics, in many places the model incorporates crude corrections to make the output look vaguely reasonable.
Eschenbach says:
"It's clear that in many places the physics in the computer code is simply wrong and gives ludicrous output. But instead of fixing it, NASA scientists have simply made crude corrections to hide the problem. This destroys the credibility of NASA's predictions."
Andrew Montford, Net Zero Watch director, said:
"We know from the COVID debacle that computer models are no basis for public policy. It would be a pity if politicians refuse to learn that lesson and allow further damage to be inflicted on the public."

--Biden's regulations have cost Americans almost $10,000 per household and could spike to $60,000 if he is elected in 2024.
Analysis found Biden regulations have cost Americans $10,000 per household since 2021, with one-third of the cost coming from new fuel and emission standards.
The total per household could equal $60,000 by 2028 if Biden wins a second term.
The president unveiled on Wednesday his new "Bidenomics" plan to focus on middle-class prosperity, as 52% of Americans say they are worse off since he took office.

--A genealogical study carried out by Reuters found that every living president except Donald Trump is directly descended from slaveholders.
Reuters set out to examine the genealogical histories of America’s political elite, "many of whom have staked key positions on policies related to race." Through their research, the investigators found that every living U.S. president—a group that comprises Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden—is directly descended from slaveholders, except Donald Trump, whose ancestors came to America after slavery was abolished.
Obama is directly descended from slaveholders on his mother’s side, the investigators found.

--Riots across France were hit by a third consecutive night of violence on Thursday following the police shooting of a teenager, with police making 677 arrests across the country. The president announced he would hold another crisis meeting on Friday. There was a fatal shooting of a 17-year-old by a police officer earlier in the week.

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