Authentic or Hoax? Ghost Encounter at Abandoned Asylum!

1 year ago

Spooky ghostly figure was captured on camera at an abandoned mental hospital. Let's do an authenticity check. Submit your video, support, sponsor and more: 👈🏻

Last Saturday a news release appeared on the tabloid Mirror about a Youtuber who recorded a ghost on video. After seeing the ghostly figure in her recording, she didn't like it and claims that even the critics are surprised.

Owner of Love To Investigate and paranormal investigator Miss Love told Mirror: "My stomach turned ... Even when I had to edit the footage later on to slow it down so others can get a good look at her, it made me feel on edge and uneasy."

Under fair use, Lions Ground criticize this proclaimed ghost video. What facts can be uncovered about Ghostly figure caught on camera at the abandoned mental hospital.


Love to Investigate:

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