The Weather Machine - Controlling Global Climate - (High Nano-Tech)

1 year ago

*Please Note: This was back in 2010 - imagine what they are doing today.

J. Storrs Hall is a Research Fellow of the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing was also the founding Chief Scientist of Nanorex Inc., the leading provider of computational modeling tools made specifically for the design and analysis of nanosystems.

J. Storrs Hall is the author of Nanofuture: What's Next for Nanotechnology, a book covering the physical principles of engineering at the atomic scale, possible applications of nanomachines, and their potential alteration of human society.
More recently he published Beyond AI: Creating the Conscience of the Machine, a review of the history of AI, discussing some of the major roadblocks that the field has recently overcome, and predicting the probable achievements in the near future.

At Global Catastrophic Risks conference in Mountain View, 2010, he gave a presentation entitled "The Weather Machine" on the potential for nano-enabled "Climate Control for the Earth".

The United States needs to incorporate the defense against directed energy weapons with the same intensity used developing anti-ballistic missile defenses. One of the major drawbacks to optical or directed energy systems is the inability to penetrate clouds or dense fog. Advances in technology are beginning to bring weather phenomena under our control. Greatly increased computing power and micronized delivery systems will allow us to create specific perturbations in local atmospheric conditions.

These perturbations allow for the immediate and lasting ability to create localized fog or stratus cloud formations shielding critical assets against attack from energy based weapons. The future of nanotechnology will enable creation of stratus cloud formations to defeat DEW and optically targeted attacks on United Sates assets.

The solution the weather control problem involves networked miniature balloons feeding and receiving data from a four-dimensional variation (4d-Var) computer model through a sensor and actor network. A network of diamond-walled balloons enters the area to be changed and then both measures and affects localized temperature and vapor content. This system effectively shortens the control loop of an atmospheric system to the point it can be managed. The capabilities in the diamond-walled balloons are based on the future of nanotechnology.

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