Who then is the Father of Jesus 236

1 year ago

Why does the Qur'an report, in its own way, the conception virginal of Christ (Qur'an 19.17), if not to make believe to christians that it includes in the divine Revelation ? And why does it try to deny it the miraculous character (Qur'an 3.59), if not because it refuses to see in the conception of Christ the principle of the new humanity, holy and immaculate, re-born of water and of the Spirit by baptism (Mt 28.19 ; Jn 3.5 ; Mk 16.16), with the promised progeny by God at Abraham (Gn 17.15-17 ; Lk 19.9 ; Jn 8.56) ? Who doesn't understand, indeed, than since the conception of Jesus is beyond of laws of the Creation, Jesus is therefore not created ; and if He is not created, then it is that He is engendered ; and if He is engendered, it is then that God is Father and than Jesus is the Son of God ? Of fact, if God wasn't Father of Jesus, who then would be it ?

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