Golovec trails - Žabarska 1st try 18.6.2023 MTB Slovenija #mtb #mountainbike #gopro #fun

1 year ago

Ponovno sem se odpravil na Golovec trails - best trails in town. Prvo sem opravil spuste na dvojki oz. Zmajevi. Na Zmajevi še vedno nisem zbral poguma za skok čez selektor. Mislim da imam hitrosti dovolj da preskočim, samo glava mi ne spusti. Nisem še nobenega večjega gap-a preskočil. Mogoče naslednjič zberem pogum.
Po vožnjah na Zmajevi, sem se po priporočilu odpravil na 4-ko oz Žabarsko. Po prvem in do sedaj edinem spustu sem navdušen nad trailom. Naslednjič sem prepričan da bom vozil tudi Žabarsko in mogoče preskočim tudi kakšen gap.

Upam da vam je posnetek všeč.
Všečkajte in naročite se na kanal, da boste lahko spremljali moj napredek.

Hvala in LP

I went back to Golover trails - best trails in town. First, I made the descents on trail no.2 Zmajeva. I still haven't had the courage to jump over the selector. I think I've got enough speed to jump, but my head won't let go. I've never jump a major gap. Maybe next time I'll get the courage.
After riding on the Dragons, I went on a recommendation to trail no.4 Žabarsko. After the first and so far the only downhill I am impressed with the trail. Next time, I'm sure I'll ride the Dragon' s, too, and maybe I'll jump some gap.

Bike: Giant TranceX 3 2021
Action camera: GoPro Hero 11 Black
Video editor: Wondershare Filmora

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