GA County To Vote on Ditching Dominion

1 year ago

Spalding County, GA is planning a 'Special Meeting' to vote on ditching Dominion in its current state, and replacing it with a system that is transparent and verifiable.

Pressure is mounting all across Georgia for elected officials to move to HAND MARKED, HAND COUNTED, PAPER BALLOT ELECTIONS prior to 2024.

The recently unsealed Halderman Report in Georgia shows that this version of Dominion Voting Machines has "CRITICAL" security flaws that can lead to hacks and votes being flipped. Despite this new damning evidence, Georgia's RINO Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger continues to falsely claim that Georgia elections are among the most 'secure' in the nation. Since SOS Raffenspberger is refusing to act, voters are demanding their county Boards of Election step up and bravely vote to adopt a more secure method of conducting elections, which many legal experts verify, they DO in fact, have the RIGHT under GA law, to do.

A grassroots group of Patriots in Georgia is organizing a 'Hand Count Road Show' to bring a live demo of a hand counted paper ballot election to the People and show elected officials how a hand count paper ballot election is not only feasible, but less expensive, transparent, and verifiable. The first stop of the Hand Count Road Show was in Spalding County, GA on July 10, 2023. A similar Road Show is currently taking place in Texas. More and more counties in states all across the country are expressing interest in bringing the Road Show to their communities.

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