HK slap MP5 🔥💀🔥. Many kinds of HK slap. MP5 , G3 ,rollerlocks #mp5 #hk #callofduty #slap #movie #gun

1 year ago

HK slap is used to charge the MP5, G3, Cetme rifle, and many roller lock firearms. Even non-rollerlocks like CZ Scorpion Evo has this ability by the user to lock the charging handle to rear and release with a smart slap to the charging handle ultimately loading the firearm if ammunition is in the magazine. No ammunition was used in this video though. The HK slap has become just as big of a meme as well.

*Safety is number #1 priority so no live ammunition is used for these videos.

**I don't know how this video can violate any youtube terms as it shows nothing going on except slapping an unloaded inanimate object and movie scenes that run on youtube all the time...thats it.

*all firearms shown in video or on this channel are done so under certified firearm instructors supervision and/or current military combat occupation status with supervising Army I am a Captain, US Army on a closed military range. I am also the Troop Commander of Cavalry Troop's military unit complex. These videos are for entertainment and educational purposes only to those qualified individuals that have completed accredited firearm safety courses or a current or retired member of the US armed forces*

#mp5 #hk #mp5k #hecklerandkoch #pof #pakistanordnancefactories #germany #german #pakistan #turkey #mke #pof5 #uc9 #asmr #ak74 #ak47 #warzone #escape #gun #slap #hkslap #gunsofboom #gunsofinstagram #gun #rifle #zastava #shooting #loading #حرب #fortnite #tactical #airsoft #weapons #history #akm #battlefield4 #battlefield #historia #fps #arma3 #army #russia #russian #demolitionranch #tarkov #pubg #pubgmobile #military #myart #sp5 #545 #9mmgun #madeinpakistan #escapefromtarkov #tarkov #madeingermany#airsoft #callofduty #callofdutymobile #arsenal #جيش

*Artist Credit: Base drawing and character on thumbnail is done by Marcus Gray.*

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