Miles Guo is the biggest whistleblower against a powerful collusion

1 year ago

07/12/2023 Nicole on Outside the Beltway: It's very sad that this government, they're so interested in protecting the CCP instead of helping the American people to defend the public health and economical interest. We need to bring CCP enemy No.1 Miles Guo to Congress and let him testify. Miles Guo is the biggest whistleblower against a powerful collusion between the CCP and the federal government agencies.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
07/12/2023 妮可做客Outside the Beltway:非常让人伤心的是,这届政府如此热衷于保护中共,而不去捍卫美国人民的公共卫生以及经济利益。我们需要中共头号敌人郭文贵去国会作证。在中共与联邦政府机构巨大勾结这个事情上,郭文贵是最重要的吹哨人。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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