Fire & Blood Vol. 1 | Birth, Death, and Betrayal under King Jaehaerys I (Chapter 9)

1 year ago

Jaehaerys spent more of his reign on the road than at home, almost always travelling with his queen and their two dragons. He travelled with a smaller retinue than Aegon had, and spent less time at each castle, so he could see more of his people and be less of a burden on them. During his first journey, he brought Alysanne with him and she was attacked by a group of religious septas in Maidenpool while bathing in a spring where only women were allowed. Her ladies protected her, and she and her unborn child escaped unharmed. Afterwards, Jaehaerys asked Jonquil Darke, a female warrior, to be the queen’s sworn shield. Alysanne’s child was born early and died, but Alyssa and Rogar gave birth to a healthy son, Boremund.

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