1 year ago

The skinny alien creature BILLY IS BACK aboard the mothership as we abduct the hoseheads to discuss one of the most famous alien species of all, the short and tall greys!

Grey aliens, or Greys, are described as being small, three to four-foot-tall, child-size humanoid creatures. They have grey-colored skin and enlarged, hairless, bulbous heads with extremely large wrapping, almond-shaped black eyes. They have shorter legs than humans with oddly jointed limbs.

Abductees claim the Greys have telepathic abilities and some form of technology that paralyzes their victims. Some witnesses claim the Greys can pass through walls. It's highly debatable what the Greys are or where they are from. Many believe the Greys are some type of organic robots.

It's widely accepted within the UFO community that the Greys hail from the binary star system Zeta Reticuli. It's also believed that these creatures are mere slaves to a different type of alien. This dominating alien race delegates various jobs to the Greys. One of those main duties is to abduct humans for all manner of physical experimentation, including producing a hybrid alien/human species!

Get lubed up for insertion on this one because your about to get probed!

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