Jokes? Truth. Calls out the Zionists Jews. References Illuminati in his sign off, says, 'adios'

1 year ago

Chappelle has never been afraid to speak what's on his mind, right or wrong. There is a lot of truth in his comedy. He says some very serious things, and presents them as a punch-line that the audience laughs at. Chappelle is on record saying that hollywood intentionally wants black men to wear dresses, he refused to do it and suffered. Chappelle knows who runs hollywood, knows Trump is with the Zionists and Illumanti. And catching the way he signs off, he knows he's putting a target on his back.
Fact is, lines are being drawn, people in high places see it, clearer than the peasants do. Money, fame, influence, status, the antichrist is trying to recruit celebs, has been for some time. The brave ones who don't give a F, they speak their mind, buck the system, go their own way. Is Chappelle Christian? Not sure but there's a lot of truth in his words here. He is aware time is short, he sees what's just around the corner.
The time for jokes will soon be at an end, and he knows this. The coming antichrist is serious business. If Chappelle and these other celebs who are awake to wickedness in high places, if they are truly smart, they will forsake all their things and proclaim Christ, the one who saves.
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