Healing the Gut and Psychological Syndromes with Emma Goodwin

1 year ago

We continue the important theme of gut health with this week's episode. My featured guest this week is such a beautiful soul - full of fun whilst also passing on some life-changing information. I learned so much from such a short conversation. Hope you do too.

GAPS coach Emma Goodwin was an exhausted mum with hyper kids until she found Gut And Psychology Syndrome 15 years ago.

After trying to do it 'by the book' she vowed to make it super simple for exhausted mums with hyper kids to 'crack the food as medicine code' and over-come all sorts of chronic diseases like eczema, asthma, juvenile arthritis, ADHD, autism and more.

Emma’s online cookery school gives everyone simple steps in GAPS principals and cooking techniques. She doesn’t particularly like to cook, nor to spend more time than necessary in the kitchen, so following recipes and perfectionism is not necessary. Learn how to stop poisoning yourself with so-called 'super foods'. Learn how to cook nourishing mealson a budget.

Laughter is the best medicine, so even if we are struggling with life threatening situations Emma remains humourous and compassionate because life is too short for dwelling in grief.

Having been severely depressed and anxious herself and having dealt with tics, tourettes, night terrors and tumours with her own kids, Emma’s 10 years of coaching experience means you don’t need to learn from your mistakes.

Deep dive into the food as medicine as a firm foundation for wellness and optimal energy.

Join Timeless Cookery Club for access to the GAPS App and all questions answered in the support group


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With permission, intro music by the amazing sacred songstress Stellar Sophia https://stellar1.bandcamp.com/album/divine-harmony-1111-just-intonation

Find more of Stellar's amazing healing music here: https://stellar1.bandcamp.com/

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