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1 year ago
2 - Rule #1: The Simple Strategy for Successful Investing in Only 15 Minutes a Week!

I have been a fan of this book for years and recently decided to buy it again on Kindle for easy reference. The author, Phil Town, does a fantastic job of explaining some simple yet effective methods for evaluating the value of a companys stock.
While it may not compete with the thorough research done by investment banks and hedge funds, the methodology presented in this book is a great starting point for value investors.
One of the key techniques discussed in the book is calculating a stocks "Sticker Price," which helps determine if a stock is over or undervalued. While it is not perfect, it provides a good rudimentary evaluation that can guide your investment decisions.
For example, when I read the book, Apple (AAPL) was trading at $470, significantly lower than its six-month high of $705.
By using Phils calculations, I discovered that the "Sticker Price" of AAPL was over $900, indicating that it was undervalued and a good investment opportunity.
Even though this assessment may seem more aggressive than what most analysts would say, other experts like Aswath Damodaran have also expressed similar sentiments about Apple being undervalued.
"Rule #1" provides a quick and relatively easy way for individuals to make their own judgments about a companys value, without solely relying on pundits and analysts.
However, as Phil advises in the later parts of the book, it is important to practice and monitor your calculations against market prices before investing your own money.
This approach helps build confidence and ensure that you are making informed decisions.

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