#0106 34% of Shootings Are Stopped By Bystanders? Further. Every. Day.

1 year ago

4% or 34%? How many shootings are stopped by bystanders? The media and FBI say 4%, but the Crime Prevention Research Center has published an article that has challenged the FBI 4% stat, and the CPRC brought receipts.

From CPRC:
“For example, the Bureau’s report about the Dec. 29, 2019 attack on the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas, that left two men dead does not list this as an incident of “civic engagement.” Instead, the FBI lists this attack as being stopped by a security guard. A parishioner, who had volunteered to provide security during worship, fatally shot the perpetrator. That man, Jack Wilson, told Dr. John Lott that he was not a security professional. He said that 19 to 20 members of the congregation were armed that day, and they didn’t even keep track of who was carrying a concealed weapon.”


So why would the FBI shift the goal post so strongly?

From CPRC:
“So much of our public understanding of this issue is malformed by this single agency,” notes Theo Wold, former acting assistant attorney general in the U.S. Department of Justice. “When the Bureau gets it so systematically – and persistently – wrong, the cascading effect is incredibly deleterious. The FBI exerts considerable influence over state and local law enforcement and policymakers at all levels of government.”

It’s almost as if the FBI and it’s sister arm the ATF, are more focused on removing gunrights from law-abiding Americans, than actually stopping crime.

What about the media then? They often say that more people might die if good people were armed. From the CPRC:

Professor Moody, who studies mass public shootings, notes that such warnings are misleading:
“The media and gun control advocates always seem concerned with the worst possible outcomes when firearms are involved. We know that armed citizens do, in fact, stop active shooters. And while there’s a possibility of a bystander getting hurt, the data put together by the CPRC show that an armed citizen has yet to accidentally shoot an innocent bystander. We also know that the police have accidentally shot the hero citizen just once. That was in Colorado on June 21, 2021. That’s not something that would normally happen, because the police usually arrive long after the incident is resolved.“

When confronted on this, however, the media typically reacts as they did to Dr. John Lott of the CPRC:

“When the CPRC emailed Ed White, the AP reporter who wrote that article, about the omissions in the Texas State numbers, he responded: “Our reporting, citing the specific research by Texas State U. over a 20-year period, was accurate. No correction was necessary.” The reporter did not need to take our word for these errors. A list of these cases and links to the news stories where mass public shootings were stopped was provided to him so that he could check out the omissions himself.”

So, let’s go over some good guy with a gun stories with the knowledge of the facts in mind.

Story 1:


Story 2:

Story 3:


Story 4:

#respect #goodguyswinning #Guns #gunviolence #nra #brettcooper #mattwalsh #changemymind #stevencrowder #michaelknowles #benshapiro
#fed #woke #podcast #christianity #furthereveryday #america #rights #listenable #abortion #deathofthewest

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