Hiding Place of Thunder 1-Choose to Hear

1 year ago

What IS the hiding place of thunder? Psalm 81 and Exodus 17-20 reveal that in the midst of the cloud of glory on the mountain, God answered Moses with a clear revelation. But the people who did not draw close, only heard thunder.
Come into the secret place of the Most High; intimacy with Christ the Lord, to hear His voice clearly in these chaotic times.
In this series, I will give glimpses of how to stay in the hiding place of thunder and receive the hidden riches of secret places in the Spirit. Choose to hear and discover the awesome power of the Holy Spirit to transform you from the inside out! Realize in the midst of the great darkness and shaking that is imminent, the only place of peace, safety and purpose will be to be given completely to following and living in oneness with
the Mighty Shepherd-King Jesus.
John 14:21-27; Psalm 81; Psalm 29; Isaiah 42; Romans 8

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