The Didache and the 1st Century Church pt1, with Sam Shamoun

1 year ago

The Didache, Διδαχή, is perhaps the earliest patristic Christian text dated to the 1st C (50-70AD) or early 2nd C (117AD). Origin: Syria, or Egypt. It was highly regarded by many early Christian authors and theologians. Athanasius of Alexandria (†373AD) recommended it to converts. It had a great influence on the Apostolic Constitutions (375AD).
The councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397) in North Africa formally canonized the 27-book New Testament. Pope Innocent I ratified the same canon in 405. Before the New Testament canon was formally settled, a number of Biblical canons included the Didache; John of Damascus (†749) being a noted supporter. The Didache is mentioned by Eusebius (324) as non-canonical.
It disappeared and was lost, until discovered in 1873 by Philotheos Bryennios, Metropolitan of Nicomedia (a Greek Orthodox bishop), published in 1883.
The Didache’s 1st section, “The Two Ways,” is a treatise on basic Christian theology, morality, and conduct. Catechumens (converts in training) were instructed in its teachings before they were baptised. The second section deals with the administration of several sacraments: trinitarian baptism, the Eucharist (holy communion), and anointing with oil.

With Sam Shamoun @shamounian

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