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An incredible discussion between Charles Moscowitz and Dustin Nemos who Jump straight into the "Hard Biblical Questions" (who also give details of their websites and blogs) Moscowtize points out that Jews and the other 12 tribes (as Israelite e.g. Paul was a Benjamite and Joshua ws from the tribe of Joseph etc) also went South to join Judah, Benjamin and the Levites in Jerusalem in the captivity of Assyrians and Babylon between 760 bc and 530 bc. (they resided in the area now called the Armenian quarter of Jerusalem) Jeremiah also bought a field as commanded by God in Jeremiah Chapters 32,& 33 and obviously Jeremiah's warnings to Zedekiah (Chapter 34 fwd ) before the remnant of Judah and Jeremiah fled to Egypt, Spain, Cornwall and finally to Tara in Ireland. Jeremiah's field would always be there despite the departures of the Jews and other 12 Israelite's, yet to return to Israel (in the future ) must even with Jeremiah's field adhere to the Law on purchasing Gods land see Genesis 15, 18-21, & Genesis 17,8 & Deuteronomy 1, 6-8, with prohibitions on buying the land (and the Abrahamic accords are against Torah) see Leviticus 25,23, Genesis 17,8 & Deuteronomy 11,2 & Joshua 1,4 (see also the following video from late 2021 into 2022 "ANOINTING OIL PREPARED NOW FOR THE NEW 3RD TEMPLE & THE COMING MESSIAH OF KING DAVIDS ROYAL LINE" and then see also the films on Prince Charles ceremony on 6.5.2023 r.e. David Jones films channel
They also discuss Genesis 6 and the fallen Angels who did mate with the daughters of Cain producing a hybrid people as Angels cannot "create" only humans were given the privilege of procreation. After the flood the disembodied spirits and a fallen angel or many before they were chained began once again to try to change human procreation and their family lines. Abraham's blessings passed to Isaac and Jacob (who became Israel) and then Joseph and then his 2 sons Ephraim and Manasseh (blessings and birthright) Judah kept the right of he Kingship. Corrupting all tribes and nations was a feature of this abomination and which continues today in the finally completed Human Genome project completed to 93% in 2003 and was only finished 100% in mid 2022 with help from Nasal swab covid tests and in which today Israel was severely attacked
With the field Jeremiah (chapters 32, 33 & 34) purchased and the chapters above , it signified a future return for Israelite's into the land and there are many verses prophesying such a return, (now we can look back and see ) but also a great apostasy such as Daniel 2 with the kingdom of iron and clay (Trans-humanism) see "The Gnostic Bio-Medical Convergence Religion (or Cult ?) Scientism & 'Directed Evolution' The Fabian Socialist eugenicist (r)-evolution to become as 'gods'" r.e. Yuval Hariri etc and a fake tree of life in Daniel 4 (ecumenicalism and idols )
Are "Jews Edomites" the vid asks ? See all below for the answer as the Edomites also came into Europe . If you sell your birthright then you are like Esau whether you are Jewish, Israelite Hebrew etc. Did the Edomites intermarry with Phoenician Canaanites ..that's why Esau was hated by God so this is the conundrum. To say all Jews are Edomites is not to see the wide picture of Jewish diaspora, but Edomite is also a way of life or non life which began with Jacob and Esau (not with other non Israelite tribes ) so it is possible for Jewish lines to become Edomoites But they would in case hate Jacob and his blessings to Joseph who went into Europe Moscowitz als suggests the "star of david" is an ancient pagan symbol but see "King Davids Shield displayed the Menorah, the true symbol of Israel ( & Psalm 67 )"
Charles Moscowitz also state the real mission of Israel was to be a light to the world (Exodus and Sinai and Isaiah 42:6 & 49, 6 & 60, 3 Luke 2:29–32, Acts 13:47 Acts 26:23 & John 8,12) not to rule over it per se or as Babylon or Egypt perceived, although David and Solomon did do just that "the known world") As well those who went to Jerusalem, the others went into captivity in Assyria and north into Georgia (see Georgia University research of Jewish Professors in "other info part 1" below) and then over the Caucasus mountains into eastern Europe and further into the west.Also through...Khazaria. 25,000 captured and pagan Israelite's (due to the Dan Bethel Gold calf's) became 2 million over time in Georgia. Then a small part of 20,000 broke away (more followed later) over into the Caucasus mountains and made a new camp, and then again as it grew into Khazaria and again along the DANube and so on. Many of the tribes of Joseph (the lost 10) went into their colonies in Europe and Scandinavia and the tribe of Dan had taken to their ships before the captivity. So from 700 bc until the 11th century ad Jews are led to believe that the Khazarian tribes picked Judaism at random instead of having some "lost '' forgetful memory of Israel and Torah from 1800 hundred years earlier. They had become assimilated into the Turkic and Germanic Russ tribes around the region. The only problem was Judaism had moved from Torah (in the main) into the NEW Judaism of 200 - 400 ad (and it took many decades or longer or 150 or 30O years to realize that it had moved from the Torah Judaism into the post Temple Judaism ) and later into reformed Judaism as Zionism and even into the mystical Sufi teachings of Kabbalah which had a Jewish origin also and Gnosticism and "Holy Serpent worship" Babylonian Jews went into Spain and Italy and into Europe and London and wider. Solomon's descendants from his many wives which includes the King of Jordan and the Ethiopian Jews and more. The main problem was the Herodian line who intermarried with Europe and became a Royal bloodline
A view on the European Edomites across Europe
The Ashkenazim are descended through Gomer from Japheth, but who intermarried with the 10 lost tribes (which is one reason why the 10 lost tribes obvious migration is ignored ) so they intermarried from 750 bc into the middle ages, but many did not and married Edomites who moved from Mount Seir into Europe
Herod was Esau Edomite. Not Jewish but from a forced converted line. Herod the Great of the Esau Edom line but as Governor of Judea and King of Israel (he was not Jewish see last paragraph above ) had 3 sons who were with Herod the Great a tetrarchy (4) surrounding Jerusalem. They were accursed and a strain of madness ran in the family
Herod had become King of Israel by being planted by Rome. Herod Agrippa who denied God was eventually killed and was eaten alive by worms (Acts 12:18-25) Yeshua was questioned by Herod Antipas who was controlling the Temple but also opposing the real Messiah. So it will be in the "end times" with various persona's or other. Herodias was the mother of Salome and her second husband was Herod Antipas (born before 20 BC; died after 39 AD) half-brother of Herod II (her first husband) which was forbidden by the law (Torah) and which was preached against by John the Baptist and which Salome danced on instructions from Herodias with Herod Antipas granting her wish of John the Baptist's head. (Yeshua s cousin and the real High Priest of the Temple) and amidst the mists of history they with Caesar and even Cleopatra contrived the story that Jesus had children which supports (falsely) the Edom Dan Esau claims of some of bloodlines today who claim to be King of Jerusalem and even the Messiah.See also "Dead Sea Scrolls Prove Most of New Testament Predates 68 A.D. (Don Patton)" which predates the Temple's destruction or here on Bitchute also (hence it was a future prophecy not written afterwards .
From Herods devious desire to keep the King of the Jews title and with the intrigues of Caesar and Cleopatra (Cleopatra also visited Herod in Jerusalem) and later Herods who fled to France with Pontius Pilate (who also was in some accounts born in Scotland in the Roman army) a tale was concocted that Jesus Christ had Children which became the Da Vinci Code and San Greal fabrications with its dubious and false bloodline Much of the history (excluding John the Baptist being forced to sire children with Salome etc) is in totality from as many perspectives as possible in the book "The Uncreated Creator" in the introduction (which you can read for free by pressing the kindle picture front page for the reading sample ) with the most famous being the arrival of Mary Magdalene in the south of France pregnant by ? or was this woman also Herodias daughter Salome or even Herodias ? The tumultuous years in Jerusalem from 30 ad to 70 ad meant much confusion and opportunity to mislead Europe and the world on the real life of Jesus
Pharaohs descendants 1000 years earlier than 1095 also went into Switzerland. In 111 bc (others state 110bc) the leader of the Hasmonean leader of Judea John Hyrcanus I conquered Idumaea. (Edom) and converted the inhabitants to Judaism. Herod was not Jewish or Joseph (both are semetic) but Edom from Esau. Herods line went into Europe as the Mary Magdalene Da Vinci code heresy and with Caesar and Cleopatra and the Kingdom of Commagene (later) and the Syrian Priest Kings of Baal they developed the cult of Sol Invictus from the Roman Persian belief in Mithra's. This became the religion of Constantine and Rome around 275 ad to 325 ad and it had to assimilate Messianic Judaism as all other faiths.
A feature of Edomites / Esau is the need to work outside of Gods laws and create debt and engage in Usury which the Torah and New Testament forbids as they have sold their birthright in Genesis 25 for all his generations fwd
Into all of this is the required understanding of the tribe of Dan. Dan, Asher Naphtali did have a shared EAGLE insignia which continues into the Gospel of John and through Numbers and Ezekiel (the four faces on the cherubim of God) into Revelations. Dan's individual insignia was the scales of Justice but which became a serpent (Dan became a serpent by the way Genesis 49,17).
The Eagle of the EDOMITES (ESAU)
Returning to the bible patriarch Jacob (who like Noah was found to be perfect in his generations Genesis 6,9 ...DNA etc), and the tribes of Dan, Esau - Edom (and Canaanites) the history of the Eagle insignia (which ties together Europe, USA and Russia ) is given in the Biblical books of Esdras 1 & 2. These books were removed by the Roman Catholic Church under Jerome 342-347(and other books) and from the Canon of the bible, but returned again in the King James version 1611 version and later removed by Anglican churches in the 1800's but they were accepted for over 2500 years on and off. (they also relate the history of the lost ten tribes over the Caucasus mountains and along the DANube) The Eagle is also mentioned in the book Daniel and also in Obadiah 1, 4 27.05.2023)
The Stone of Jacob is not the stone of Esau ? (who has no birthright but who can exist within Maritime law which grew out of, or deviated from Common law. Esau would exist in the realm Admiralty law corporate law or civil law or of the Law from out of the SEA without a birthright in Gods law) Esau fathered the Edomites who intermarried with the Canaanites who also traveled into Europe and many of those tribes had the insignia of the Eagle. They intermarried with the Tribe of Dan who many settled in DANmark (and who can avail of the blessings of Israel / Joseph if they turn from Esau) Prince Phillip of Greece and Denmark, King Christian 1X of Denmark (Oldenburg), and Kings of Seville in Spain all extending back to Otto 1st (962) whose mother was great granddaughter of Charlemagne ( Carolingian King of the Franks whose dynasty replaced the Merovingian's founded by Clovis King of the Franks from Meroveus (430 ad) and back to Herod and Herodias and Cleopatra and Caesar, all the way back to Solomon son of King David, who is the 10th generation (backwards) from Judah the son of Jacob (the Messiah coming from the line of Nathan David's other son and not directly from Solomon)
Was Jacob exhausted after his epic 21 years? Why King David almost made it when applying Deuteronomy 17, 14-20 (7 wives etc) Was Solomon really wise to have 1000 wives in effect, and why did the Kingdom of Israel break and come to ruin ?
Many suggest the Eagle of Esdras represents Russia, Europe and the USA ( the union of three races or tribes which contributed to the genesis of Russia, the "western" head representing the Varangians, the "eastern head" the Mongols and the central head the Slavs, but the eagle head or 3 headed eagle (2 Esdras 11,1) disquinqshes between the body and wings the 12 feathered wings of the eagle and its head. The same eagle Daniel saw in Daniel 7, 4 as confirmed in 2 Esdras 12,12.
The Eagle heads mentioned in 2 Esdras 11,9 are the 3 City states of Rome (Vatican City not a part of the vatican or Italy, Venice and Genoa), London (city of London not a part of London or England) and Washington DC (not a part of Washington or the USA) yet messianic christianity has also made its mark on those areas.
Genesis 10 ( "the table of nations" ) describes all nations around the world as people migrated into every continent. When the tribes (not lost ) emigrated into Europe or take to their ships (dan / Joseph) around Europe and Scandinavia who did they live amongst. Today the bloodlines of Europe also include the Edomites / Esau and Esau was brother to Jacob from the same father and mother and looked the same as each other. It is they who are represented by the Eagle standard, and of course they are not Israel (12) or Judah (1) Yet they intermarried with the tribe of Dan (the serpent / dragon) and the Phoenician Canaanites. To understand both Houses of Israel, first see ...
Judah, Joseph, & the Inheritance of both houses of Israel.The Bloodlines of Europe & the 3 Genealogies of the Messiah or shorter version here also The Tribes and Nations of Joseph inherit the Birthright & Blessings and Judah the Scepter
Dan also left Egypt before Moses command in the Exodus and those that went into the Exodus became 2 tribes with many leaving their mid Israel land designation and moved to Tel Dan and became heretics leading all the Northern 10 tribes into disgrace and capture by the Assyrians as the lost 10 tribes into Georgia and over the Caucasus and Europe
Israel is comprised of 13 tribes (Joseph became Ephraim and Manasseh ) then and today and Joseph must also have a designation as the birthright and blessings, yet the term Israel means 13 including the tribe of Judah not Judah alone, and you cannot be a Danite, Benjamite or Joseph and be Jewish (but Judah can be a Israelite )
Other information
The Israeli prime minister before the current PM also said this in 2022 Israel... . Its establishment didn’t begin in 1948, but rather on the day Yehoshua Bin Nun [Joshua, insertion mine) crossed the Jordan and forever connected the people of Israel with the land of Israel, between the Jewish nation and its Israeli homeland" (before the UN and its anti Israel agenda) Joshua from the tribe of Ephraim / Joseph
the 10 tribes left in disgrace and idol worship and in disgrace ! under a term of years (7 x 70 etc) under Gods curse, so there is no kudos in that
1. By far the most in depth is Georgia University and the team of Jewish researchers (who i have corresponded with and they want to make a film on this ) who have produced over 30 volumes of research for decades
Professor W.A. Liebenberg with parts 1 - 17 "A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations" .... (inside the contributors from Georgia Uni are listed..very nice people) and of course "the pass of Israel" is in Georgia thru the mountains from Northern Israel and are marked such
and his seminal work "Never Lost" which can also be bought as one volume here on Amazon
1) "Standing in the Gap For Both Houses of Israel Maria Merola"
2) What is the "Two House" teaching? Monte Judah
3. KING David's throne in Europe,Britain,Scotland Ireland Wales Dr S Spykerman & Israels lost tribes (or here once again on youtube )
4. Jeremiah in Ireland? - PART 1
4a Jeremiah in Ireland? - PART 2
5. ‘Europeans the lost tribes of Israel a rare documentary’
The 12 Tribes Of Israel, What Happened to Them ? E Raymond Capt Youtube on Bitchute
5A & ‘The Lost Tribes of Israel.Found. by E Raymond Capt’ (or see also in Bitchute in Great Sermons with additional info in the description & on youtube )
5B & E Raymond Capt The Lost Tribes of Israel Heirs of Promise Bitchute or Youtube
5C & Tudor Parfitt Lost Tribes of Israel, Blood & History
5D TRUTH-VIDS: Where is the TRIBE of DAN ? - TODAY
2 HOUSES OF ISRAEL (JOSEPH as Ephraim and Manasseh ) AND JUDAH (12 tribes) Joseph went to their colonies in Europe and Scandinavia (2 Houses see also Matthew 24-25, Mark 13 & Luke 21 & Ezekiel 37 1. What is the "Two House" teaching? (Lion & Lamb Ministries "St Paul" or Saul was the real apostle to Rome not Peter and he went wider not just to Rome or 'asia minor' (the book of Galatians is to Gaul in France also and Britain Ireland & Claudia, Pudens and Linus in Timothy 4,21 are the children of Celtic King Caractacus they brought the faith to Britain by 70 ad) but also to Macedonia (Acts 15, 36, 18, 22 and 49 & 50. and Tarshish Spain,and Britain (Ezekiel 27, 12, Isaiah 66,19 & Romans 15, 24 - 28) for Tarshish and also Greece and more as directed in Matthew 10, 6 - 7, & Matthew 25, 24 see also James 1,1 & Luke , 15,4 & 22,30 all of which are references to the lost sheep ten tribes...see also "The triads of the apostle Paul on his preaching in Britain" And Cormac mac Airt circa 200ad in Ireland (and Teach cormac is a hill fort on Tara built by him ) was Ireland's first Christian Chieftain which means the faith was there before 200ad and 200 years before st patrick
II Esdras 13:39-50 which a book still in the King Jaes version 1611 says the 10 tribes went into Georgia and into the Caucasus and into Europe, Arzareth has been identified by Georgia university as North of Israel "The apocryphal book Esdras says the "righteous" Ten Tribers moved out of Assyria and the Cities of Mede to Arsareth to get away from sin" in part 3 of "Part 03 - A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations (PDF)"
So for Prophetically correct insights (see Acts 26, 7 & Isaiah 11, 11 - 12) into the ten tribes and why they are important and why this matters for Israel is very important to understand
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