Reptilian Shapeshifting Lizard People

1 year ago

Reptilian People

David Icke is a member of this Lizard People Family

Lizard People= 139+12 letters= 151-Light of Lucifer

Reptilian People= First 911 Call. 175-Freemasonry.
246 days left when Icke was born.

David Icke is 170 years 5 months to Grand Druid Council. Freemasonry. 777

David Icke is 175 years to Illuminati. David Icke 4/29/1952= 120th day. Illuminati. 11 months 28 days between. Grand Druid Council.

Freemasonry-David Icke 4/29/1952. 777 days. 624 hours.
122 in weeks. Illuminati. Lizard People is 122

David Icke 4/29/1952-1/1/1999-His Book on Lizard People (The Biggest Secret). 120 in minutes. Born on 120th day. Illuminati= 120.

reptilian shapeshifter= 222. Grand Druid Council.
2 words 21 letters. Illuminati. Satanists. Lizard People 122

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