What to Do When Your Child Is Struggling - Keynote Lecture Kesher Nafshi

1 year ago

Don't Take Advice From People Who Don’t Feel the Pain of Your Children

Rabbi YY Jacobson presented this keynote lecture at the Kesher Nafshi Shabbaton which was at the Raleigh hotel, in South Falsburg, NY, Friday 27 Sivan, 5783, June 16, 2023.

On June 9, 2023, four children were found in the Amazon jungle, after being stranded there for forty days following a plain crash. How did they survive the harrowing ordeal? Rabbi YY uses this story as a metaphor to explain how we need to help ourselves and our loved ones survive in our own jungles. We need parents who believe in us and will never give up the connection; we need to know what works and what is ineffective; we need to understand trauma and dissociation; and we must have support.

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