Desire for God to Transform You - Don't Skip the Process!

1 year ago

A key to maintain your deliverance: once you’re delivered, don’t just return to life as usual, but be serious about surrendering to God & being transformed more into His image. Also don’t have the mindset of “I’m free and now I can go about my ambitions” (rushing the molding of your heart process that God needs to take you through). Many people in good hearted zeal or sometimes selfish ambitions once delivered believe they are immediately called to go into leading a ministry. The devil deceives in this way many times, coming as an Angel of light (sneakily sounding like it could be God speaking). Once you’re free, humble yourself and focus on growing closer to Jesus and allowing Him to transform you and purify your heart. Be patient in the process and keep humbling yourself daily to maintain your deliverance. Watch the full message ‘Maintaining Your Deliverance Part 2’ here:
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