You’re Not Utilizing Your Biggest Strength

1 year ago

You’ve heard the saying, “Work smarter, not harder.”

The most under appreciated and underutilized power you have is your subconscious mind! When you consistently feed the right programming into your subconscious mind, you’re activating the most powerful part of yourself.

Reading your goals everyday
Repeat affirmations
Ingesting positive content

If you try to lift up a refrigerator using only your pinky finger, you will fail. But if you ask 4 friends to help you, you will lift it up very easily.

You have to use your big muscles to accomplish big things; your small muscles by themselves are not able to accomplish big things.

Your biggest muscle is your subconscious mind. Use it wisely.


— Lightness Meditation sessions,

— Podcast Engineering School,

— Chris’s fractal art and social media,

— The Mystic Show (podcast),

— Leap Beyond Your Limits (book) —

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