TheDimNews LIVE: Cluster Bombs in Ukraine | Jordan Peterson | Chicken Ordinance Shenanigans

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


h8yourst8 Supporter do we have to submit photo id and confirm our addresses before participating in chat?

JQuickDraw No, just be ready to explain the difference between a duck and a goose.

h8yourst8 Supporter all i know is if you guess wrong you have to run around in a circle.

h8yourst8 Supporter make it blow your hair around

JQuickDraw lol the cat is not visible, so it looks like Alex is just waving her arm around for no reason.

jbsx Hi

JQuickDraw Beverly upset about mean words, conveniently forgetting she's expressed a desire to eat other people lol

h8yourst8 Supporter laziness doesn't make cannibalism less wrong

JQuickDraw so as long as you just "find" a dead person by the side of the road, well then it's finders keepers

RonGreen1 Make cannibalism great again.

h8yourst8 Supporter she's eating roadkill

JQuickDraw "Your honor, he was already dead when I found him. Waste not, want not."

jbsx what do you think the impossible whopper is??? Soylent? maybe soylent green.

JQuickDraw I've read quotes from vegans who think we can "return" cows back to the wild lol.

h8yourst8 Supporter unless they are veal

h8yourst8 Supporter then it's torturous

RonGreen1 During the Khmer Rouge, cannibalism was how the people survived.

h8yourst8 Supporter you're not supposed to talk about khmer rouge

JQuickDraw Usually, when someone eating a typical western diet goes vegan, paleo, carnivore, whatever, they initially feel better and show improvements because of addition by subtraction, removing crap from diet

RonGreen1 I knew a girl who fed her dog a veggie diet. That dog was never right in the head.

AlexofAllTrades Moderator

jbsx Thailand introduced a new burger. 2 inches of cheese, no meat

JQuickDraw @jbsx That's not a burger. It's a grilled cheese sandwich.


JQuickDraw Cows are basically super tasty pandas.

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Spay and neuter sharks

JQuickDraw I have a shark farm. I mate them and train them to attack on command.

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Do you mount laserbeams on them

JQuickDraw No, that would just be excessive.

RonGreen1 I've always wanted to have an alligator farm on the US/Mexico border.

jbsx fricken dead bird carcasses hung up in tree branches rotting away

JQuickDraw Alligators are good. Maybe also a grizzly farm. Get them accustomed to the taste of humans. Let them protect my property. Maybe I'm not thinking this through enough. I'll revisit it in the morning.

RonGreen1 Kids stories have nothing on fishermen stories.😂


ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ The woke owners of "Cards Against Humanity" purposely bought a length of land on the southern border specifically so that Trump could not build a wall there.

JQuickDraw Does whip cream and sushi count as body art?

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ @Quick, did you ever seen the pictures of that guy, somewhere in, like, Oklahoma, who guilt an honest to God frickin' MOAT around his property?

JQuickDraw @ChicagoFaucet No, but he sounds like a great man.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Yeah, after he was done, it was challenged, but he was allowed to keep it. It was either because the ordnances either mentioned nothing about having a moat, or it was classified as a pond, which you

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ can have.

JQuickDraw CPS is like the IRS and all the other alphabet agencies. They are purveyors of administrative law, soulless bureaucrats who don't care about you. They make law by decree.

JQuickDraw @ChicagoFaucet Now I have a new item to add to my "new house" list lol

h8yourst8 Supporter mine grew back

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ @H8, your tongue, or your moat?

h8yourst8 Supporter my fiveskin

JQuickDraw I want to get my tongue split in multiple places, so it's like the fringe on a carpet. It should make oral sex really intense.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Either Alex is really loud, or Bev is really quiet.

JQuickDraw Both can be true.

jbsx hey, that shark in the water is down here where I live

jbsx near Navarre

h8yourst8 Supporter if you see kaye...

Guyinroom83 more like BevSplaining

Guyinroom83 that's sofa king annoying
RTPodcasts 🔴 Tucker Carlson is set to interview President Trump live! 🚨 ⚠ Brace yourself for a bombshell that will shake Biden's regime! BIDEN IS GOING DOWN! 👉

h8yourst8 Supporter i'm fully braced

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Hello Rumblers

jbsx i need more 2x4's

h8yourst8 Supporter have they created a position for town chicken inspector?

h8yourst8 Supporter because i have a badge already

RonGreen1 Give me chickens, or give me death.
LIVESTREAMPRESIDENT 🚨SHOCKING VIDEO🚨 🤯This video will SHOCK the world! EVERYTHING IS EXSPOSED😱 I can not believe what information the media hid from us. You have to watch this patriots.

h8yourst8 Supporter what if i don't like being shocked?

jbsx I always disconnect power and make sure I'm grounded

Guyinroom83 Bates MoeTown

Guyinroom83 wow! did you guys see that? everything is exsposed in that link up there!!!!

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ CHARGE BATTERIES NOT PEOPLE

h8yourst8 Supporter reminds me of the ethan allen tour boat sinking

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ I think that was one of Piccolo's super moves

Guyinroom83 cluster b bombs
TheCallinGuy Not most of them. Approx. 10%.

Guyinroom83 that's more fun though! some go off, some don't. it's a fun game!

jbsx some are designed not to go off until f'd with
TheCallinGuy Yeah.....but if Ukraine is willing to use them on their own land....let them.

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Its ok tho american cluster bombs are extra deadly. Wait.
TheCallinGuy It's different than if it was used by an invading force.
TheCallinGuy They're not designed NOT to go off.
TheCallinGuy About 10% just don't go off.
TheCallinGuy What is this? One of those retarded MAGA shows?
TheCallinGuy Really? Why don't you look at how Russia treats it's citizens?

jbsx no, have you seen the russian ones that look like little toys. They go off when kids grab them to play with them
TheCallinGuy You're making no sense at all.
TheCallinGuy I'm a NEVER Trump Republican.

jbsx plus. russia is the good guys here. ukraine can go to hell

Guyinroom83 lol

Guyinroom83 im a never nude republican

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Im a never-vegeta saiyan

Guyinroom83 i hate that people NEED you to have a label

Guyinroom83 or party

JQuickDraw I'm an anarchist. Trump's a war criminal, like Obama Christ Superstar and Shrub.
TheCallinGuy Aren't you concerned about what Trump and MAGA is going to this country?
TheCallinGuy * doing

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Imagine being such a sperglimg you go into random chatrooms and start getting angry with little to no context

jbsx i'm concerned about catchin fish when i go fishin

Guyinroom83 I'm more a fan of ultra maga

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Get a life loser loooool

Guyinroom83 what's trump doing? he's not even in power. he's being indicted. How is he 'doing' anything to the country?

JQuickDraw @TheCallinGuy Please stop. You're worried NOW about what a president, current or former, is doing to the country? Glad you just woke up lol
TheCallinGuy Sounds like what Rush Limbaugh would call the Low Information Voter.
TheCallinGuy Sorry to quote Rush. He's disgusting.

h8yourst8 Supporter rush limbaugh. lol

jbsx go to hell you piss of sht

JQuickDraw I like Procrastinate Armbar better
TheCallinGuy Well....if you're against totalitarism, you must be against MAGA and Trump.

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Nobody has mentioned maga or trump except you

jbsx you have no idea about cluster bombs so if we extrapolate from there, you no nothing about this country either

Guyinroom83 I'm sick of the 'im not right wing, but' that everyone does

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Ok the mustache was dope bur i hated GT

JQuickDraw Trump is less totalitarian than most presidents, which is like saying Ted Bundy is a better serial killer than Dahmer because he killed a few less people.

Guyinroom83 which is the 'good' dragon ball? i watched Z a lot in high school, but never since

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Monica Rial?
TheCallinGuy Give me a break. This country has NEVER seen a Pres. like Trump with such autocratic urges.

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Nobody cares weirdo

JQuickDraw The live action movie is the definitive Z, or so I've heard 😜

jbsx broken record...regurgitate crap you heard

JQuickDraw @TheCallinGuy Troll troll troll your boat...

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Go yell at some clouds

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Hahaaa

jbsx yea, but it's fun playin with him

Guyinroom83 he must be a "RINO'??

Guyinroom83 i barely know what that means

jbsx i think he's a wino

Guyinroom83 he's one of those people who said "he's not MY president"

h8yourst8 Supporter getting mad for no reason? that's something TRUMP would do...

jbsx no one gonna click that link, yiou clown

Guyinroom83 ukraine nazis were a right wing invention!!! Every trump voter is Q ANON!!!

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ I bet you're fun at parties

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Guyinthecorner

JQuickDraw @TheCallinGuy If you have 5 speedballs and your junkie friend steals 3 but loses 1 running from the cops, how many footjobs would you be able to buy from an underage hooker?

JQuickDraw @TheCallinGuy And you have to show your work.

h8yourst8 Supporter i'm voting for trump now

jbsx 2, but he would need to seperate the crack from the parm cheese on the carpet

RonGreen1 If you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough.

JQuickDraw @jbsx It's a trick question. If you give her both remaining speedballs at the same time, she'll pass out, then you can have as many footjobs as you want.

jbsx but, you would need rubber bands to keep her feet together

jbsx no, the 60's

JQuickDraw well yeah, you gotta McGuyver that shit

RonGreen1 If we could send cluster flucks to Ukraine, we would be rid of Joe Biden.

JQuickDraw I think calling card coolio dude left the stream. 😢

jbsx some of the bomblets are designed to look like toys and when kids pick them up to play with them, they go boom

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Vic

Guyinroom83 his twitter bio: "MAGA is a cancer. Major spreader of this cancer is conservative talk radio. Fighting these shows by calling them w/ topics they don't want to discuss."

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Sorry was driving. Monica Rial (pronounced REE al) tried to cancel Vic Mignognia (voice of Broly). Chris Sabat (voice of Vegeta) supported the cancellation

JQuickDraw But our cluster bombs have fewer duds. So that makes it okay, only thousands of unexploded bombs lying around. So it's okay that we're doing something we previously condemned.

Guyinroom83 (doesn't load for me)

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Haha

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Guy, what do you think about Dragonball Z?

Guyinroom83 he thinks he's like, some vigilante or something

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ I support it

Guyinroom83 maybe thought this was a 'conservative' show

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Yeah i dont think we're 'conservatives'. At least im not

Guyinroom83 @YourFriend i loved it when I was younger but I just watched it on cartoon network back then

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Right on

JQuickDraw Most people on the current left can't wrap their heads around people who criticize Biden but who also don't like Trump.

Guyinroom83 it sounds like he's on the right. but acts liike a leftist about trump? proves there's really a uni party, establishment vs trump /anyone not establishment

JQuickDraw Trump meant well in a lot of areas, but he was painfully naive about government and didn't act forcefully at key moments when he should have.

Guyinroom83 why?

Guyinroom83 cancelled for stuff they did, or bc they weren't the right race for the voice?

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Its cuz he flirted too much and hugged fans who wanted to be hugged

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ They made him out to be some sexual predator

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Just cuz he was a christian

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ That was the real reason

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ He is an outspoken christian

Guyinroom83 exactly. like chris pratt. they prob have tried digging up endless stuff on him

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Yes

Guyinroom83 lol. i dont get what a populist is. yeah shouldn't they all be pro-the populace?

JQuickDraw The uniparty at this point is nakedly anti-american and speaks about global goals ahead of national ones without resesrvation.

JQuickDraw Drama? What drama? lol

h8yourst8 Supporter trolls must make him cry

JQuickDraw You have to remember that Jordan Peterson is ultimately a leftist. he just pushes back against the hardcore regressives who have taken over the DNC in recent years.

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ (Kermit voice) "give up your anonymity, troll-demons"

JQuickDraw lol, "You better register with the local stasi office, bucko."

h8yourst8 Supporter people with personal security are cowards

jbsx i provide my own security. It's personal

RonGreen1 The government is the psycho.

JQuickDraw linoleum, or as they say in England, linolineum
Rumble Premium UserSupporter+
Alex, say "anonymity"

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Xanax addiction is hell. I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Also benzos are an anti-anxiety drug. Works on the same area of your brain as alcohol
RoomForPresident Message was removed by moderator

JQuickDraw I think like most people, he is projecting. He sees how he himself might be tempted to abuse anonymity, and he cannot understand that it's his problem, not a universal character trait.

h8yourst8 Supporter omg. shocked again!

Guyinroom83 i do think the more people that aren't anonymous that speak out the better though. it should be encouraged imo, but it's super risky and crazy to expect everyone to

jbsx didn't this guy short circuit earlier?

Guyinroom83 i don't even follow his twitter. social media seems to ruin my perception of so many people

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Nice

Guyinroom83 amonomonoyous

Guyinroom83 do you think he's back abusing something? alcohol? pills?

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Who knows. Maybe this is his normal personality

JQuickDraw @Guyinroom83 Thinking identification is a good thing in communication is an appeal to authority. Ideas stand on their own merit, regardless of the source.

h8yourst8 Supporter out of context!

Guyinroom83 @JQuick I was thinking of specific issues. Like the canadian convoy, de transitioners coming out, etc

JQuickDraw @Guyinroom83 Those are examples of anonymity being a good thing

Guyinroom83 @JQuick I mean, at first, but to make any headway you'd need sources first hand. I'm not all the way pro or against what he's saying

Guyinroom83 I just think no one should've read those texts. IT was an incredible betrayal for her to leak those, unbelievable

JQuickDraw The Canadian truckers were debanked. Not only should anonymity be absolute if desired, but money should be part of it, not just communication.

Guyinroom83 our culture is just disgusting. gen z might think it's totally fine to leak private texts like she did

RonGreen1 What's a Smurf instructor? Is that somebody that teaches people to hold their breath until they turn blue?

JQuickDraw No, it's whatever you want it to be. Remember, "smurf" is a wildcard word. It can be used for any substitution you like.
RoomForPresident Message was removed by moderator

h8yourst8 Supporter open all the twats

Guyinroom83 i can't handle being shocked. just can't do it. someone else click the link

Guyinroom83 nooooo now you're hacked Erl

Guyinroom83 guess you're afraid of the shocking truth, Erl

JQuickDraw It was the sequel to Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, The Gaping of the Twats. It wasn't nearly as popular.

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Rumble wtf im shocked

h8yourst8 Supporter her controller is unplugged

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Is it a logitech

JQuickDraw lol Beverly needs that video effect right now, with all the math equations floating around her head

jbsx take it down 12,000 ft. if it doesn't come back up, it was

Guyinroom83 @your she ignored a lot of safety guidelines

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Ripppp

JQuickDraw Brown sugar was a slang term for black women in the 70s

Guyinroom83 as a kid, i somehow thought brown sugar was 'healthier'

Guyinroom83 maybe bc it was in oatmeal flavors, idk

JQuickDraw maple sugar is good

Guyinroom83 rainbow pride hula hoops

h8yourst8 Supporter another hula hoop fatality

Guyinroom83 they have an extremely high fatality rate. CDC says to mask before using

RonGreen1 Can Bev hula hoop and juggle at the same time?

Guyinroom83 it's just weird, not girly even. it's like tribal

h8yourst8 Supporter my toenails are curling around

Guyinroom83 brown cocaine

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ I think that might be heroin

Guyinroom83 oh, that explains why im not hyper at all from it

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Uh oh IQ

Guyinroom83 Erl's gonna get racist.

JQuickDraw Hey let's also discuss FBI crime stats

Guyinroom83 IQ's by race, GO.

JQuickDraw "I trusted TV" 🤨

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Carter worked on missile defense

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Smart ppl stuff

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Keith too

JQuickDraw very high IQ people see the big picture

JQuickDraw Like the unibomber

h8yourst8 Supporter 15 standard deviations. lol

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Thats alot of std devs

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ 3 is enough for near certainty

h8yourst8 Supporter 15 sigma. call GE

h8yourst8 Supporter you can be too smart to be hired by the police

h8yourst8 Supporter fail

h8yourst8 Supporter bone-us hole

JQuickDraw It's like you win one of the games on The Price is Right and you get a bonus hole.

h8yourst8 Supporter i'm sure plenty of people batted an eye with old english

h8yourst8 Supporter "twitter bonus holes" doesn't have the same ring to it

JQuickDraw The whole thing is fabricated. 20 years ago there was no talk of this at all. People have always talked about gay rights and gay issues. Trans-anything has never been a thing.

JQuickDraw And dealing with gender is modern day voodoo. If you think you can ascertain or speak confidently on how a person feels, you're essentially an astrologer reading someone's horoscope.

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Twat Pool

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Twatcast

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Can you say t wat on rumble?

h8yourst8 Supporter you can't?

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ If not you just missed my last 17 messages

h8yourst8 Supporter twat

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Oh ok you can

h8yourst8 Supporter haha

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ On obedient2yah's stream it was censoring the word h ang

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ I wasnt even talking about rope

h8yourst8 Supporter it's weird how it just doesn't post it, but you don't know that it wasn't

h8yourst8 Supporter i know i always want to have a big fight with someone right before they make me some food

RonGreen1 And never get those Chinese character tattoos of you can't read Chinese.😂

JQuickDraw If I were a baker and was forced to make a cake, you can be sure people would be eating some interesting stuff at that wedding lol.

RonGreen1 Magnesium citrate is the key ingredient for a cake, for people you don't like.

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Asians are white-adjacent according to the race warriors

JQuickDraw Do anything about it? "Hey you! Yeah, you there, black man. We need a POC at our gathering to fight racism. Come with us."

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Wow i didnt recognise any of these ppl

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ No wonder i hate them

JQuickDraw Cubans and Asians are the new white meat

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Greeks werent considered white till the 1920s

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ I dont see any eskimos either

JQuickDraw Italians are still considered ethnic in very rich circles

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Italians are half african

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ According to some movie i saw

h8yourst8 Supporter a lot of people in that pic probably make that type of comment though

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ True Romance

JQuickDraw Where I grew up, I knew maybe two black people until my mid twenties. But I also did not have any white acquaintances or friends until my twenties either.

RonGreen1 If a White person won't go to the south side of Chicago at night, then they must be racist. Right?

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ My people 🤗

h8yourst8 Supporter bev will territorial if some other philippino tries to move in

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Do chinesey asians even could phillipinos as asian?

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Count*

h8yourst8 Supporter no

JQuickDraw Philippinos are soft Asians, a little vanilla mixed in there

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Theyve never seen a person in arm warmers before

JQuickDraw As a guy, you can provide for yourself. Winning!
Tex1680 Power and resource (Man) vs support and development (Women)

JQuickDraw Oh, like femdom, but with money

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Exactly^

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ She's not wrong

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Men want to provide and be important

JQuickDraw Women, you can't live with 'em...

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ ...

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ I agree w shoe on this one

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Yeah i guess so

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Thats provably untrue

JQuickDraw So many jobs created . . . after destroying a record number with the mandates. What are the numbers compared to 2019?

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ The 1970s-early 80s

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Inflation was yuge

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ But like tge last 5 years before covid was like 2%-4%

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ They must be using common core math

JQuickDraw Relative vs absolute percentages - the devil lies with truth

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Ah

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Haiku

JQuickDraw You defend the PRINCIPLE, not people

JQuickDraw I'm snapping my fingers right now

QuranATarjuma Message was removed by moderator

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Rizz

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ W rizz

h8yourst8 Supporter iphone. gross

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Short for charisma

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ I wouldnt take one if you paid me

JQuickDraw Capitulate - it's from Romeo and Juliet. The Capitulates and Mountain Jews

h8yourst8 Supporter you need longer intros

h8yourst8 Supporter ko wawa

JQuickDraw Koala

JQuickDraw Asian American Koalas

h8yourst8 Supporter the jokes on you. that's exactly that guy's name

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Xi Jinping should worry about his country's impending demographics collapse

JQuickDraw Hey, China has all those ghost cities for when people start dying off in droves

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Theyre all made out of plaster and cardboard

JQuickDraw Think of all the pretty colors when they go up in flames

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ :r+flamingelmo:

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ I wanna see your name i heard its good

JQuickDraw China will have two objects visible from space - the great wall and the great fires

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ I pronounce it your nah may cuz its japanese

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Yes monica rial is in it (jk)

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Ive learned a ton of conveesational japanese from anime

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ July 23?

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Or 22

JQuickDraw I'll get you a D4 with Andrew Dice Clay's face on each side.

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ OHHHHHH

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Jack and jill went up the hill each with a dolla and a quarta

JQuickDraw Jill came down with 2.50 Oooohhh!

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Long story short JILLS A WHOOOAAAAAHHH

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ OHHHHHHHHHHH

JQuickDraw Hickory dickory dock

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -

JQuickDraw Man, that's a lot of links

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Spam

JQuickDraw What is a Monty Python song?

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