Trinary Time Capsule

1 year ago

Trinary Time Capsule

I wrote this document on the Eve of the End of Time. It is about the 3
logical state changes in Light that I call Trinary; because Trinity has
Religion in it, and this is about Trinary Science. This Trinary Time
Capsule is being secured in a location that will survive the End of
Time; that Sir Isaac Newton calculated to be in the year 2060 under the
Julian calendar. This documents why humans went extinct. Because
they believed in the Science of Einstein and did not think we would
notice the poles reversing. I wrote this in case someone survives the
Atmosphere venting. It explains how everyone was wrong, except for
the Science of the Torah and the Greatest Wizards in History; Johannes
Kepler, Sir Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, and Henrietta Swan Leavitt. I
added my theory about a Trinary Engine to explain what will happen
when the North Magnetic Pole makes it to the equator in 2061. Which
is tomorrow, so I must secure this tonight!


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