14 year old gang-raped at Camp Pendleton Marine Barracks

1 year ago

Inside edition didn't say it so I will!
Do you honestly think he acted alone?
If so, you're part of the problem in this world.
Wake the fuck up people,
"Evil men have taken over key positions of power, within Our Power Structures!" That's why Our forefathers designed Our Republic to include common law juries of Our peers so that these things could be deliberated and penalties be delegated thoroughly, effectively, and swiftly!
We are a common law Nation and these men need to be dealt with accordingly!
Tunn Tavern ~Philadelphia, Pennsylvania~November 10th 1775!
Hoo Ra! motherfuckerz!
united for which We stand
Common Law~ Republic !

We either take back our military or cut these motherfuckerz loose because they obviously are not protecting the American People!
I can guarantee any time you read the words "MAY HAVE" in legal writing, it equates to "never"
So in this inside edition we the reader are left confused.
1.) The girl had been missing since the 14th.
2.) She was found on the 27th.
3.) She only knew the "pimps" first name.
4.) she's handicapped.
5.) Who created a "tinder account" for the handicapped girl?
6.) Is the pimp a former marine?
7.) How dd the Marine found with the girl, know the "pimp"?
8.) How much did he pay for the girl?
9.) The Marine and another man took the girl back to the base.
10.) Marine obviously wasn't alone
11.) Do Marine's have their own separate rooms now?
12.) Most Americans believe Marines sleep in bunk beds in a long house style barracks.
13.) This story just doesn't add up...

fuck civil law and it's blacked robed demon/bitches!

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