中共不等于中国,也不等于中国人民DVS 7.0揭露中共绑架中国人的伎俩即利用逆反心理把中国人和中共混为一谈,这样他们可以把任何对中共的批评指责为对中国人民的非难。所以不要搞错中国

1 year ago

07/10/2023 The Chinese Communist Party does not equal China or The Chinese People! DVS 7.0 exposes the CCP’s trick to hold the Chinese people hostage, that is, to use the reverse psychology to confuse the Chinese people with the CCP, so that they can denounce any criticism of the CCP as an attack on the Chinese people. So make no mistake. The Chinese People are only slaves of the CCP. 07/10/2023 中共不等于中国,也不等于中国人民!DVS 7.0揭露中共绑架中国人的伎俩,即利用逆反心理把中国人和中共混为一谈,这样他们可以把任何对中共的批评指责为对中国人民的非难。所以不要搞错了,中国人民只是中共的奴隶。 #freemilesguo #FreeYvetteWang #MilesGuoHasTheGoods

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