Why did Dr. Anderson and Dr. Gary make a 180-degree turn to accept the natural origin theory?

1 year ago

7/11/2023 【The House Coronavirus Pandemic Hearing】Why did people like Dr. Kristian Anderson and Dr. Robert F. Garry Jr. suddenly make a 180-degree turn and accept the theory of the natural origin of the COVID virus, which they previously believed was unlikely, just three days after their conference call on February 1, 2020? What happened in those 72 hours that made them embrace the idea of the natural origin of COVID? Was it because they feared the consequences of accusing the CCP of the release of the virus?
#CCPVirus #COVID #COVIDorigin #ProximalOrigin #CCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
7/11/2023 【众议院病毒疫情听证会】 安德森和盖瑞博士等人在2020年2月1日进行的电话会议的三天后,先前认为新冠病毒不可能起源于自然的科学家为何来了180度大转弯?这72小时内发生了什么事让他们接受了病毒的自然起源说?是因为他们担心指控中共国释放病毒所带来的后果吗?
#中共病毒 #新冠病毒 #病毒起源 #近端起源 #中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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