El Salvador’s new Mega Prison drastically reduces crime - liberals & humanists cry

1 year ago

For many years, El Salvador led the world by holding one of the highest crime & murder rates. But when Nayib Bukele became their President, he changed that.

In the video below you will see authorities transfer 2,000 gang members and criminals into their new Mega Prison system. These gang members are not able to conceal their gang identity with shirts. Their tattoos identify which gang they belong to, i.e. Barrio-18 & MS-13. Barrio-18 & MS-13 have infiltrated Los Angeles, and they make ISIS look like boy scouts.

The good news surrounding this story is El Salvador’s murder rate has dropped by over 90%, as well as other crimes.

But liberals and human rights activists (aka humanists) are getting their panties all in a bunch over their toughness on crime. America’s lamestream media has been loud in their opposition to El Salvador’s treatment of prisoners. Albeit the death penalty is more suitable. But we have no right to tell other countries how they should treat their prisoners. Most recently alleged conservatives like Mike Pence and Senator Ted Cruz sinfully opposed Uganda for criminalizing homosexuality.

One of the greatest ills of America, including its Americanized Christendom, is they have too high a view of man, and not high enough a view of Almighty God, and His Scriptures. Today’s America is what God warned about in Romans 1 and Matthew 24.

After my law enforcement career, I worked as a National Board Certified Criminal Defense Investigator. Though I intended to be an impartial advocate of the truth, to make sure clients were provided with their constitutional rights, due process, and a fair trial. But I was later convicted that some of my work was sinfully contra Scriptura.

Though we all benefit from the Bill of Rights, and some benefit from the 1964 Civil Rights Act, much of those so-called “human rights” go against the Scriptures. And when America’s law or founding documents go against the Scriptures, we must obey God’s Law rather than man’s. And so, I repented resigning my services. I used to call myself a constitutionalist, and a patriot, but I prefer Christian.

And now the video.

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